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Kinda Sorta Finished My Website


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for my photography stuff. I put up the carslile vette show, detriot auto show, a few airshows and some random stuff. this summer I'm going to bring my camera to an F1 race and a superbike race B)

I know about the tips page and that the banner shifts slightly from page to page

This is one of my favorite from 2 years ago.


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Safety Wire!

Looks like the 30mm uses a left thread pitch on the jesus nut

only you would sit there and notice the safety wire is going the wrong way for a right hand threaded bolt.

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i always loved this image. just exactly what is that fog and exactly what causes it? why is this one cone shaped while another one isn't?

Their called vapor cones. They are caused by the cooling of the air around the jet condensing moisture out of the air. Same theory as a air vortex cooler. What your seeing in that picture is the airframe exceeding the sound barrier at that elevation. And the multiple vapor zones usually around the nose, tips, and canopy converging to a single cone.

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It's an area of low pressure that builds in intensity as the aircraft approaches the speed of sound. Under the right conditions, that area of extreme low pressure will have enough of a temperature drop to meet the dew point and voila, it gets filled with water vapor. You will typically only see these in transonic speeds, .95 mach to 1.05. I've been to tons of airshows and that is the first time I saw one as large as that. You will see wingtip vorteces far far more often, where under high G manuevers, condensation trails form at the very tip of the wing, or sometimes along the root or LEX.

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O the shape, it comes from the shape that the pressure waves take at different speeds. At lower speeds, it is more flat and located slightly in front of the nose of the aircraft -april-fig3.jpg

As the aircraft accellerates to the speed of sound and through it, those waves angle back from the nose, then the aircraft passes through them - like this april-fig4.jpg

A skilled pilot can dance the cone back and forth on his jet B)

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O the shape, it comes from the shape that the pressure waves take at different speeds. At lower speeds, it is more flat and located slightly in front of the nose of the aircraft -

As the aircraft accellerates to the speed of sound and through it, those waves angle back from the nose, then the aircraft passes through them - like this

A skilled pilot can dance the cone back and forth on his jet B)

The 16s here with the 33rd do that in front of one of my houses all day as its over the water and their flight path to the ranges here. Usually ~ 200 ft off the deck you will hear thumpTHUMP as the first ones goes by and over the next 5 minutes 3 more usually follow. The 16s usually have two cones on them when they go mach. Canopy and off the tail. Been here 8 years and its still fun to watch. Lately all we have in this air space though is drones and the Stealths are hear from some reason.

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only you would sit there and notice the safety wire is going the wrong way for a right hand threaded bolt.

Usually items that spin clockwise have threads going counterclockwise... and vise versa ;)

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