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thanks guys. i thought it might be something like that. back in the 60's when i lived in indiana we had supersonic flyovers every couple of days (it seemed like) so definately familiar with the sonic boom :) not to mention very deep snow! but never saw a picture like that. excellent shot!

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The 16s here with the 33rd do that in front of one of my houses all day as its over the water and their flight path to the ranges here. Usually ~ 200 ft off the deck you will hear thumpTHUMP as the first ones goes by and over the next 5 minutes 3 more usually follow. The 16s usually have two cones on them when they go mach. Canopy and off the tail. Been here 8 years and its still fun to watch. Lately all we have in this air space though is drones and the Stealths are hear from some reason.

Every thousand feet of altitude gives a 1 mile wake to the sonic boom. Ive heard people refer to what you heard as a "transonic thud" believe it or not.

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=33...e+sound+barrier - that is breaking the sound barrier, most of those videos on that google link were not supersonic.

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Every thousand feet of altitude gives a 1 mile wake to the sonic boom. Ive heard people refer to what you heard as a "transonic thud" believe it or not.

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=33...e+sound+barrier - that is breaking the sound barrier, most of those videos on that google link were not supersonic.

that video is so effing awesome. i almost wish i was joining the air force to fly planes lol

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Every thousand feet of altitude gives a 1 mile wake to the sonic boom. Ive heard people refer to what you heard as a "transonic thud" believe it or not.

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=33...e+sound+barrier - that is breaking the sound barrier, most of those videos on that google link were not supersonic.

The first crack as explained to me by a flight instructor here is the barrier being broken by the nose of the craft and the second much louder one is when the entire air frame goes super sonic. This is a total guess but since I can only hear it some times I think it may be the very instant that craft breaks the barrier. If its already traveling super sonic you only hear the much more pronounced boom.

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