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Got My Afast Scores


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I don't plan on going to korea anytime soon :lol: My friend is an MP there and is alway arresting NCOs and privates for rolling down the red light district trying to get a hook up with the local hookers. He said they can arrest an NCO or enlisted guy for just driving down a specific road, if it's an officer they can stop them and call in a senior NCO or OIC IOT to arrest / detain / question. His favorite story was down at ft. Knox trying to give a guy a ticket for driving around speed bumps in a corvette... turned out he was pretty high up on the chain of command colonel or brig. gen, once he turned in the ticket to the office it immediately disappear after reaching the NCOIC's desk. I'm probably going to stick out 20 years plus if i like the army, get the 2/3 pension then go private sector if I get aviation, if i go corps of engineers... my plans might change. I just want to make colonel... 100,000$ a year plus benefits etc. I know a colonel at 45 he was making over 115k a year because he had two PhDs, and had other stipends ontop of that etc.

if u wanna achieve that, like i said bro, keep your head down. mad respect.

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Good luck bro, but go marine corps.

Nah, Marine Corps is a different mindset. A lot of the marines I know can come off as pompous because they talk so highly of themselves and the corps when in reality they're just ecstatic to talk about the stuff they have accomplish and they're extremely proud of themselves which is a great motivator for unit operation. Plus the 160th SOAR is mainly made up of army aviators - I'm sure theres a few from the other forces but 160th SOAR is... a dream of mine... theres very little other aviation units that can compete with those guys in talent, equipment backing, funding, and skill.

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I don't plan on going to korea anytime soon :lol: My friend is an MP there and is alway arresting NCOs and privates for rolling down the red light district trying to get a hook up with the local hookers. He said they can arrest an NCO or enlisted guy for just driving down a specific road, if it's an officer they can stop them and call in a senior NCO or OIC IOT to arrest / detain / question. His favorite story was down at ft. Knox trying to give a guy a ticket for driving around speed bumps in a corvette... turned out he was pretty high up on the chain of command colonel or brig. gen, once he turned in the ticket to the office it immediately disappear after reaching the NCOIC's desk. I'm probably going to stick out 20 years plus if i like the army, get the 2/3 pension then go private sector if I get aviation, if i go corps of engineers... my plans might change. I just want to make colonel... 100,000$ a year plus benefits etc. I know a colonel at 45 he was making over 115k a year because he had two PhDs, and had other stipends ontop of that etc.

We'll see if you're singing a different tune after you've been in for about 4 years.

I have yet to meet someone who has been in the army for 4-6 years and cant wait to either get out or switch to Navy or Air Force....If they did still love it, they really weren't right in the head.

Of course it might be a little different for officers, but you're still a POS when you're a butter-bar. I don't think you really start getting respect until you make captain. At least that's what I've always noticed.

My best friend is getting his commission, intelligence officer, and I told him the first thing I do when I see him in uniform, is tackle him....hopefully he'll be in front of his peers :lol:

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honestly officers who come in out of ROTC n officer school don't get respect. cuz the majority of the time they're so green nobody respects them. even privates will stop officers and tell them to adjust their dress blues or something cuz they're not dressed properly...it happens A LOT. only "mustangs" get true respect as officers, cuz they started from the bottom and worked their way up.

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I know ROTC doesn't get any respect. I had a ranger officer explain it to me the best:

" When the day is done and everyone says you had it easy they didn't look at what actually happened. When an officer pokes up it's the officer's fault when the report goes up the chain of command... when an NCO or enlisted guy pokes up... it's still the officer's fault. We need each other to operate... but when everything is done you're in charge, you're accountable, you're the one staying up past 2am on weekends in your room working over fifty pages of intel and trying to anticipate enemy location of resources and planning contingencies while your platoon is sleeping or partying. "

don't get me wrong i have respect for enlisted guys, but when i had a pfc in the reserves tell me i was a stuff bag cadet and he couldn't tell me what the first paragraph of an OPORD contained... i just brushed it off and ignored him. " I'm enlisted I work for a living " my cousin who is now a CPT, prior - enlisted up to SGT... told me he used to say that... then he realized being an officer is a lot harder than he ever thought and wouldn't have made those remarks now knowing what it's like.

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