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What Do You Do With This?


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Now see, I'm from Iowa and you could look at that sequence in an entirely different light.  ~95% of the corn grown in Iowa is not directly edible(the others are seed corn and sweet corn), it's feed corn for cattle.  So the liberal sees the pictures as Kerry knowing what not to do with the corn, and Dubya going "why the heck is this stuff so hard?"


(although I will say that the ear Dubya has is clearly sweetcorn, the tint is far too pale to be feed corn, that's 5 years of detasseling talking)

Maybe Mr Kerry is feeding the homeless, he's throwing ears of corn out to the people!!! Sweet corn is still a bit tough uncooked IMO

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Here's a fun quote, appeared in an article by the Associated Press, and in the Guardian (in Britain):


(not to mention, that ear of corn you see him eating? Raw. Not a huge deal, but methinks there is supposed to be an intermediary step, called "cooking")

^haha they had that guardian quote on Leno Friday night... with the video clip...


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