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Hahaha...escort Zx3


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Poor kid got his feelings hurt..... :D .......I wouldn't really call this a race,just another attempted overtake in the "asshole lane" near me.He kept riding my jerk to the next light.This road is awesome because if they get pissed,you meet up at a light where it is 2 lanes again,on a divided highway that is lightly travelled.That's where you settle it once and for all.I swear I put about a half a mile on this kid,and he still couldn't take it.I saw him screaming through the corners trying to catch up after I had already let off for a good 20 seconds.I let him catch up,and when we were side by side I floored it and still walked away in about 2 seconds.

I'm not bragging that I beat a POS Escort,just that it was funny how this kid thought he was gonna show me and couldn't deal with it after he got his jerk handed to him by mom's Volvo.

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twas funny. basically the same thing happened to me, except in the rain. I guess the guy thought he had me off the line (couldn' t get traction) after about 50mph I put it to the floor, still at only 6psi he didn't seem to be trying. haha

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