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S70 Glt With 16t Vs Dodge Charger Super Bee


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Late tonight while I'm hanging out in a parking lot with some buddies, another one of our friends pulls up in his 2007 Dodge Charger yellow Super Bee. We get to talking and finally everyone is like "you guys should race." I'm like "whaaaat?" but everybody else seems to think I have a chance. I took him for a ride in the Volvo (it never gets old when people tell me how fast it is "for a Volvo") and he even thought it would be a good race. So we go from a dig twice in the parking lot. The first time I just spun the tires about half the length of the parking lot, but once I got traction I started catching up real fast. Not quite enough to catch up though as the parking lot was ending. So we raced back the other direction and he honks his horn and goes before he even gets to the third one so I get a really late start. I don't really even try since that happened. So we get back and he is all pissy because he saw me catching up once I got my wheels to stop spinning. It took about 10 minutes of convincing to get him to race from a 30 mph roll, but he finally agreed. I was pretty confident that I could take him from a roll, but only because everyone else was. I figured they knew his car better than me. We get going 30 on a street that everyone watching can see, and he does a better job honking this time and I go somewhere between the second and third honk to compensate for turbo lag. I ended up getting a really good launch. However, it wasn't quite enough to catch his car. He was ahead the whole way. All the way from 30-70. Two of my friends that were watching took video on their cell phones and I was only about a car and a half behind at 70mph on the videos. I was pretty proud of my Volvo tonight. I think I might have even convinced a few people into getting one.

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if you could reel him in on a dig, i don't see why you couldn't take him on a roll...especially if you hit it early to compensate for "turbo lag".

good runs anyways, but how freaking long is that parking lot? i can't imagine a parking lot big enuff to play in with various curbs, speed bumps, drainage dips.

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I love my GLT as much as the next guy and think it's pretty quick for what it is,albeit I'm still running the stock turbo. I've run cars much faster than myself and beat them usually do to my superior driving capabilities and/or the element of surprise.(HEHE...yeah right! That guy in the VOLVO is messing with me. Might as well be a Lincoln Town Car. WTF....he just pulled 3 cars on me! Time to play catch up. Uhh...too late!!) But something isn't adding up here! The 2007 Charger SRT8 Super Bee is a 425HP stomper running 0-60 MPH in 5.0 seconds and a 1/4 mile in the mid to low 13's. As much as I'm really not a Charger fan,or a Dodge fan for that matter,you can't but help give credos to the engine design team on that Hemi. I never been in a Charger SRT8,but I did stay in a Holiday Inn last nite :D . And I've ridden in an SRT8 300,and driven an SRT8 Grand Cherokee. People can dis Chrysler products all they want,but neither of those cars is any slouch with regards to performance.

With that said,I'm not doubting your story,because you were there and I wasn't there. Plus I've seen stranger things happen. As well,I'm not sure exactly where the power/torque curve is on that Charger. Maybe the races you ran fell into your power band more than his so you stayed with him,tho it sounds like your spread the wealth. But either you're car is a freak of nature,or there is something very wrong with his car and/or driving skills,because he should have mopped the floor up with you.

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Maybe it was the charger with the super bee decal/paint job look alike. I know they have that option on a lot of cars that have those higher up models, where you can get a base model that looks like another one.

Kinda like the neon with the srt4 look alike kit.

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Exactly, I don't think anyone who says they have turbo lag on a 16t has ever really experienced turbo lag haha.

The 16t in my opinoin, has about the same "lag" as the 13g.. and that was about nothing.

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haven't been in a real turbo car? sorry guys the GT30R going in has no lag compared to my 16T...thats what i mean by lag...i will never purchase a non-ball bearing turbo again. yes the 16t has almost no lag, but i still notice that 1/2 of a second. that may be alright with you guys, but i like instant gratifcation. hell even the GT35R in ajhehr project car has less lag..

n you can't brake boost on a roll... :rolleyes:

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the only other "mod" i have i guess would be a cone intake. i know you have to get it "tuned" to see a gain, but i really can feel a difference when driving.

the 16t has way more lag than the old turbo. it's actually not a 13g, it was a 13t. i was a bit confused when i took it out and found that. maybe someone can comment on that? it is a real super bee, he kept telling me "it's number xxx out of 1000" but they are not that fast. they are pretty damn quick and will probably beat my car no matter what i do to it, but that thing is heavy. 3820 lbs. he says his best time was 13.8 but he usually gets mid 14s.

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