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Jail Is No Fun N I'm Stressed To The Max...

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hey pras, have u noticed im not white :P? im gonna get picked on by douchey cops everywhere...name dropping usually works, but i haven't talked to cops

you not white well this whole thing makes sense now :lol:

but seriously that sucks balls big time, man I thought I had it bad when I had a flat tire <_<

keep your chin up you could be driving a honda :P and all this happen , then no one would feel sorry for you :P

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Car gets impounded= yer car gets monkeyed.

not always true. depends on who tows it etc. never give them your keys even to put it on a trailer, a good enough tow guy can do it with your car in gear and ebrake locked up tight and not damage your tires or car. you give them your keys they'll screw with it. i had my car impounded a bit ago... no damage, still in gear, e-brake up. nothing missing or out of place.

Htown i'm sorry to hear about these unfortunate events. I had a warrant out on me back in high school in a city where a cop pulled me over didn't issue a ticket, then let me go just saying " the truck driver won't show up to court to say you passed him illegally in another state" well i guess the truck driver did show up and i didn't because i knew nothing of it. got pulled over a month later ( it was in wisconsin while i still lived in IL - damn lake geneva ). they were nice enough to let me to talk to the DA and when he heard my story and read the transcripts and the documentation from the truck driver he realized i passed the truck driver on the Illinois side of the border in a legal passing zone and had to clear my name. no charges, no tickets, just wasted time. he didn't even forward the information to the IL side because he figured the truck driver was being a dick.

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that REALLY sucks man, I would just be ready to kill someone over the .2mpg and the 50 miles driven hard. I get pissed off if someone even looks at my car wrong, seriously, I'm totally anal about that sh!t.

Good luck man, things can really only get better.

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Dude can i buy you a beer, or at least a pack of smokes? whats your address and smoke preference?

if i wasn't already smoking a pack of marlboro reds a day already, thats what i would be doing right now...thanks for the sentiment anyways bro.

yea, fighting is the only way to go, if ur in prison. generally in jail everyone is just waiting to get the F out of there. u either find a friend n make small talk or u sleep. people just leave eachother alone in city lock up.

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if i wasn't already smoking a pack of marlboro reds a day already, thats what i would be doing right now...thanks for the sentiment anyways bro.

yea, fighting is the only way to go, if ur in prison. generally in jail everyone is just waiting to get the F out of there. u either find a friend n make small talk or u sleep. people just leave eachother alone in city lock up.

you didn't hook up in lock up?

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