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Mechanical Engineering for me too Sean! Good stuff. Gonna be hell though to get through my classes... but after that, I've got it made! You gonna be on the FSAE team at Kansas? That was one of the things that attracted me to Cornell. Or THE thing, inititally...

Might as well brag :lol: ....

2070 SAT, 3.9 GPA, 50th in my class of 468, tons of leadership positions(German Club President, Section Leader in Band...)

Hard schedule- all my classes are either AP or IB, I'm in calculus and Physics C

My extracurricular activities show commitment, like 4 years of band/german club/orchestra/marching band

Commended National Merit Scholar, NHS

And then the most important in my case, which is Track.

I contacted the Cornell track coach, and he liked all my times and stuff and wanted me to run for him, so he pulled some strings in the admissions department to make sure I got in. Ivy League doesn't give athletic scholarships, which is pretty disappointing, cuz Cornell is very expensive.

If you don't have something that sets you apart from the masses, like being mexican or something(which helps out a lot to get into hard schools, trust me), then you really have to have a good SAT score/GPA if you want to get in somewhere with competitive admissions.

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Might as well brag :lol: ....

2070 SAT, 3.9 GPA, 50th in my class of 468, tons of leadership positions(German Club President, Section Leader in Band...)

Hard schedule- all my classes are either AP or IB, I'm in calculus and Physics C

My extracurricular activities show commitment, like 4 years of band/german club/orchestra/marching band

Commended National Merit Scholar, NHS

And then the most important in my case, which is Track.

I contacted the Cornell track coach, and he liked all my times and stuff and wanted me to run for him, so he pulled some strings in the admissions department to make sure I got in. Ivy League doesn't give athletic scholarships, which is pretty disappointing, cuz Cornell is very expensive.

If you don't have something that sets you apart from the masses, like being mexican or something(which helps out a lot to get into hard schools, trust me), then you really have to have a good SAT score/GPA if you want to get in somewhere with competitive admissions.

Lol, it's funny, going to Cal (the real Cal, UC Berkeley) I look at that and was like meh...Every person you meet here was like valedictorian or salutatorian and people who you never guess have like 1500 (OLD score) SAT's and are frickin geniuses. Congrats though on getting into Cornell. I was looking there back when I applied (senior in colege right now) but I didn't wanna deal with the nuts ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD cold, and well I jsut prefer the West Coast, shame though cuz I got into Duke and Penn....

Oh and you are 100% right about the being mexican or of a minority, even though Cal doesn't do that supposedly, it's odd how the minorities have GPA's faar below others and SAT scores on average at least 100-150 points lower....And they get huge scholarships.

One word of advice, any sort of ego you may have about being smart going in there will be crushed so leave it at home, everyone is as smart as you and many are much smarter. You'll soon learn that personality and drive means a lot more than grades.

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yeah, you heard right.... :o

Don't kill yourself man :lol: one of the reasons I didn't go there was because of the environment, I couldn't leave the FL style/mentality. But my friends there say it's great.

Guys, get monkeyed up as much as possible...'cause you'll never be able to do it again. Drugs, drinks & if you're not poking ugly, you're not poking enough. And study. haha

Thank god I have law school to add a few more years of this...

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Purdue seemed to fit me best, so I decided that would be best! :D

I almost went to Purdue for Engineering... then i realized I'm alcoholic... and engineering at purdue with all those study-whores would drive me nuts.

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Oh and you are 100% right about the being mexican or of a minority, even though Cal doesn't do that supposedly, it's odd how the minorities have GPA's faar below others and SAT scores on average at least 100-150 points lower....And they get huge scholarships.

I hope you aren't saying thats bad.

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One word of advice, any sort of ego you may have about being smart going in there will be crushed so leave it at home, everyone is as smart as you and many are much smarter. You'll soon learn that personality and drive means a lot more than grades.

Oh yeah, I hear ya on that one. I really don't have much of an ego about my grades, I know that there are plenty of smarter people at Cornell and I'm gonna have to work my tail off....

I applied to Cal too, let's just say if I had been accepted I'd probably be going there next year.... :lol: :lol:

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Well, when I was applying in 99, I decided to do 2 TX schools (where I'm from), 2 DC schools (because I stayed at Gtown for 2 weeks and GW for 1 week for a medical conference and fell in love), and then 2 CA schools (because it's Socal).

I got accepted to UT, SMU, Gtown, GW, and USC, and got rejected to UCLA....fuck em!

Gtown closed their dental school in 99, and so that kind of put me off from DC, and I only applied to UT and SMU as backups, and so that left me with USC, and they have one of the best dental programs in the country.

chose USC, never looked back, loved every minute of it, and I want to go back to get my doctorate in dental surgery, but that hasn't been going so well, so i'll keep trying.

college was great, I miss it way too much...

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One more thing about Cornell.

I hear you have to pass a swimming test to graduate LOL.

No, you take the swimming test during orientation, and if you don't pass, you have to take a swimming class. They just want everyone that goes to Cornell to be able to swim, because there are creeks/lakes running all through campus and a huge lake at the bottom of the hill. I think it's a good idea...

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No, you take the swimming test during orientation, and if you don't pass, you have to take a swimming class. They just want everyone that goes to Cornell to be able to swim, because there are creeks/lakes running all through campus and a huge lake at the bottom of the hill. I think it's a good idea...

wow, good info....i didn't know that....they should do that at every school, esp in California.

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