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B5254t2 Engine Swap In 98-00 X70 Series

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I need to know if this is even practical before I try to scrape together money. Any major or minor differences that would prevent this from happening? Like how the S60/V70 R's are AWD. Can you pair the engine with the S70 transmission? Also, how would the ECU handle the new engine? It has to be reflashed, right? Or can I get one from an '04 R?

These are things I need to knowwww, thank you.

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I had considered this swap as an option in case I ever grenade the engine in my C (other options being: rebuild current engine, Volvo V8 swap, or cut losses & get different car). Is there any way to reinforce the bores to get around the cracking issue? What about a built-up 2.4L? Would that be the "happy medium" between displacement potential and compression ratio/boost? I'm not a huge fan of mega-mega boost numbers anyways, I'd rather run 1.5 bar or less on a slightly larger-displacement engine than 2+ bar on a smaller-displacement engine to get the same power.


I have a built P1 2.4 liter engine. I bought the thing on ebay. It is from a 98 LPT. It was $500 shipped. I put new rods and bolts and did the full rebuild. The engine was immacualte when it came. If you want pics on the build, check out my gallery. Shows the thickness of the sleeves on it and everything. Still a solid block and I will boost over 20 PSI in this sucker.

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I would be interested in knowing how this goes. I did a '98 V70R engine swap into my 850 T5 and it made quite a difference. A few years ago now but in them days this was much easier. ECU's and engine technolgoy have come on leeps and bounds in recent years.

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I am seriously going to consider this if I can get some help from people on here. It won't be happening for a while, though. Probably sometime around Fall.

S70 will be seeing quite a bit of downtime. 240 on the way!

okay. lets start from the basics. we don't even know what model or year your car is. there are an abundancy of differences between 98-earlier and 99-later. some matter a lot, some not so much.

If you have a 98 chassis, then things get a lot easier due to the fact that motronic 4.4 is easier to mod and easier to work with in general but problems arise in certain areas with later engine model swaps.

If you have a 99 chassis then there are a lot less problems concerning the swap because you already have a means of controlling the VVT from the 99+ engine.

i'll try and help more as long as things are clear as to what you want to do.

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it's 99+. sorry, i just redid my sig since i'm not going to be seeing this car too often.

all i want to do is put the v70 r (01+) engine in. that's all. 300 is plenty for me.

again, this won't be happening for a looooong time, but this is what i will be driving in the meantime: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAP...369499&rd=1 shabam! just won it today.

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it's 99+. sorry, i just redid my sig since i'm not going to be seeing this car too often.

all i want to do is put the v70 r (01+) engine in. that's all. 300 is plenty for me.

again, this won't be happening for a looooong time, but this is what i will be driving in the meantime: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAP...369499&rd=1 shabam! just won it today.

the 2.5L HPT engine that put out a reported 300hp and came in the S60R / V70R models was from 04+, not 01+... not sharpshooting, just wanted to make sure that was just a typo and not that someone was selling you snake oil.


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the 2.5L HPT engine that put out a reported 300hp and came in the S60R / V70R models was from 04+, not 01+... not sharpshooting, just wanted to make sure that was just a typo and not that someone was selling you snake oil.


oh, i didn't know that. but just to clarify the engine is from an '04, i just thought all p2 r's were the 300 horse motors.

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  • 2 weeks later...

this is looking like more of a possibility. the engine i'm looking at doesn't have a wiring harness or turbo. can i use my old wiring harness and/or turbo (16t)? what about ecu? can i get my current one flashed or would i be better off finding an '04 ecu?

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this is looking like more of a possibility. the engine i'm looking at doesn't have a wiring harness or turbo. can i use my old wiring harness and/or turbo (16t)? what about ecu? can i get my current one flashed or would i be better off finding an '04 ecu?

dude, you need to research more before you actually do this. there is a lot of information on the MY differences between all these cars already here on the forums.

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