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95 T-5r Vs. Jetta Gli Vs. Mystery Jetta


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Yesterday late afternoon was cruising on the highway with a friend and exiting a toll bridge, as the lanes merge out of the bridge I end up in the far left lane right behind a grey 2002ish body style VW GLI. He's cruising at a good pace a little bit above 75mph and I match him keeping a marginal 2 car lengths behind, I notice his eyes constantly looking back in his rear view mirror, I pace him a bit and he responds by speeding up just a bit letting me know he doesnt want me to pass, we clear traffic with a good 700-800 yards of clear 5 lane highway I put on my right blinker and give my car about 2/5 peddle to make a slow pass, as soon as I get into my lane I see his car give a slight squat and realize this guy wants to fight for his spot on the highway so I mash the gas (about a half second after him) and we're off from right about 80mph.

The jump he got was apparent from the beginning as the first second or two it was like we were going the same exact speed, I'm still in that 1 1/2-2 car lengths behind range, at about 95mph I start to real him in steadily, at this point I'm 2 lanes to the right of him to keep it safe as possible for the situation...a little below 105mph we're door to door and then it's over, we hit a long bend to the left and I steadily pull by and put about 2 lengths on him up to a clean 115mph right as we begin to run up on traffic.

I hit the far right lane hold my brakes firmly for a good 3-4 seconds, chop the speed down to about 75 and catch lane free traffic as the GLI gets caught up behind several cars, I pass all the traffic and get into the far left lane that I fought for:) the GLI catches up but stays back in the next lane over and gives me my deserved spot for 2 highway exits then gets off and gives me a friendly high beam flash as he leaves the highway.

Later that night as I'm taking my friend home we end up side by side with a black 2002ish body style Jetta debadged with decent aftermarket wheels and with a BOV that he's just been abusing with all the over constant wooshing I hear comming from his car. At a light side by side I'm not impressed one bit so I give him a small neutral rev just for the hell of it. As I wait for the light to turn green I'm ready to go just in case, we get a green light and I come off the line with a quick 2/5ths of peddle to be sure...But no go, so I figure this guy is just BS'ing around not looking for anything, next thing I know he flies by and heads for an onramp onto the highway I quickly follow and as we take our right onto the onramp he guns it and so do I, this is from about 35mph and once we start I just hawk him in, I can tell he's going for it but I run up on his tail very fast, with just enough room to spare I merge onto the highway before him and keep on it up to a bit above 105 with a clear shot of no cars for about 200 yards and then I quickly get off the highway on the very next exit...It was an easy 5 car lengths, once it got past that I had to figure he gave up...I'm guessing he had a stock 1.8t with just BOV

I'm 182,000+ miles

Stock T-5R


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