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Something Strange Happened On The Way To Stage 0

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I just finished replacing all my IC, radiator/coolant hoses. Plus I did an ass load of vac lines today. After I started refilling my coolant bottle and waiting for the trapped air to burp out, I started the car and after about 5 seconds an awful rapping sound came from the engine, like really low oil. I immediately turned the car off and cursed. 4 hours of hard work and the valves were wracked. For no apparent reason. I thunk and thunk, what to do, what to do? I reversed my work in my brain , and go figure I had detached a plug that went to what appears to be the brake booster, the big black thing on the firewall. So I plugged her back in and after 5 secs the rapping faded, and I sighed in relief, thanking various deities. Must have been something to do with knock sensors or timing advance/retardation. Or something totally off base, but I ran it and all is well. Moral of the story: pay the fuck attention to your work!! Any body got an idea what the hell I unplugged?

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I just finished replacing all my IC, radiator/coolant hoses. Plus I did an ass load of vac lines today. After I started refilling my coolant bottle and waiting for the trapped air to burp out, I started the car and after about 5 seconds an awful rapping sound came from the engine, like really low oil. I immediately turned the car off and cursed. 4 hours of hard work and the valves were wracked. For no apparent reason. I thunk and thunk, what to do, what to do? I reversed my work in my brain , and go figure I had detached a plug that went to what appears to be the brake booster, the big black thing on the firewall. So I plugged her back in and after 5 secs the rapping faded, and I sighed in relief, thanking various deities. Must have been something to do with knock sensors or timing advance/retardation. Or something totally off base, but I ran it and all is well. Moral of the story: pay the fuck attention to your work!! Any body got an idea what the hell I unplugged?

You unplugged the vac line to the brake booster. Probably fried your muffler bearings in the process. ;)


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wow, now im totally lost. What does a vacuum line have to do with muffler greasing?

You definitely dont want to sieze up the muffler bearings. I have heard there is a link between burnt muffler bearings and low turn signal fluid, but I have no experience with that.


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You definitely dont want to sieze up the muffler bearings. I have heard there is a link between burnt muffler bearings and low turn signal fluid, but I have no experience with that.



Ha! Ju guys are Crazy, Mang!

For Chure...

(My flip-flop emron is getting low,

where can I recharge it? In blue maybe?)

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You unplugged the vac line to the brake booster. Probably fried your muffler bearings in the process. ;)


OMFG, you are so f'ed! all you need is three seconds of WTF and you got me. 1,2,3. Done.Ok, so lets get all the swamp land, bridge, snipe hunt, smoke deflector, sky hook, jokes outta the way you morons :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Car ran great today, even in 95deg, so no harm done.Still laughing at myself you a-hole B)

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You definitely dont want to sieze up the muffler bearings. I have heard there is a link between burnt muffler bearings and low turn signal fluid, but I have no experience with that.


Hahahha... this thread made my literally lol... ^^That one especially.


never knew about that site

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To inject a slight fact...

There is infact one car that had muffler bearings. I think it was a Ferrari but I'm not sure

Do you see any other facts here?

C'mon...Don't Be That Guy... :lol:

(Just kidding! Don't take this post too seriously!!!)

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