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My 850 Cd Player Won't Play My Mastodon Cd!


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Now,this is a first.....my stock 94 850 headunit is refusing to play a brand new cd I bought (Mastodon-Blood Mountain).It has always worked just fine with anything else I've put in there.No scratches or anything.......any ideas why? Does my car have different musical taste than me? :lol:

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Well, we'll start with the basics - does the CD work fine in other players? and does your car's player STILL work fine with other disks?

Assuming both are "yes", then I'm guessing the CD is likely incompatible - I've heard of issues with some of the copy protection systems found on some disks messing up older players. Or it could be a CD with extra features or something else that's messing it up. Or maybe your car doesn't like it like you said, heh. Your best bet might be to copy it using a computer, or rip the songs to FLAC / WMA / MP3, and then re-burn them, so you don't copy over whatever is messing it up.

Maybe someone else knows about specific compatibility issues with the stock player / this particular CD? I almost never BUY cds, so can't say I've experienced this problem.

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is it one of those pretty-fangled hdcds or whatever they're called...

Exactly what I was getting at with the "does it work in other players" - I think SACD is supposed to be backwards compatable, but some units don't like it, and other formats (DVD-A) don't even try.

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