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Got Beat By A Diesel Beetle


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Lol, not really. I was sitting next to a Beetle at a light and it had really loud valves, but I didn't think anything of it. The light turned green, I went through the light before he did, and the next thing I know I heard what sounded like a Cummins from 50 yards away. Looked in my side rearview and the thing was black smoking the entire road and was about to blow past me. So I slammed the gas down and since I was over 30mph it only dropped it to 2nd. Still at 55mph I had about four cars on him, then slowed back down to 40mph since it was a 35 zone. He passes me and doesn't even look over. What a hobo.

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Lol, not really. I was sitting next to a Beetle at a light and it had really loud valves, but I didn't think anything of it. The light turned green, I went through the light before he did, and the next thing I know I heard what sounded like a Cummins from 50 yards away. Looked in my side rearview and the thing was black smoking the entire road and was about to blow past me. So I slammed the gas down and since I was over 30mph it only dropped it to 2nd. Still at 55mph I had about four cars on him, then slowed back down to 40mph since it was a 35 zone. He passes me and doesn't even look over. What a hobo.

Diesel powa pwns

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If I felt the need to display my penis was smaller than his, I would've:

A.) Whipped it out to show him my penis really is smaller than his, and

B.) Bought a Volvo.

I've got B covered, so I guess next time I run into him, I need to unzip my fly and show him some love from the Volvo. :)

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No, I was serious. My friend really did say that.
hahah ok, I apologize.
My friends brother has a supercharged bettle. He says it runs high 10's low 11's... dont know if i believe him though.
why would he supercharge a bettle when the turbos come with a 1.8T (T for turbocharged)? hes so full of shit.
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