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Turbo Rebuild


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Sooo, my turbo's seaping oil. I've tried to search rebuilding here, but find most people just replace or upgrade. Is it even possible or worth it to rebuild the 15g? Like anyone else I'd have more fun with the 16T or even 18T, but don't have no monies for that now.

Oh yeah, and anyone that I've PM'd in the FS section about your turbo for sale, ANSWER ME!

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Sooo, my turbo's seaping oil. I've tried to search rebuilding here, but find most people just replace or upgrade. Is it even possible or worth it to rebuild the 15g? Like anyone else I'd have more fun with the 16T or even 18T, but don't have no monies for that now.

Oh yeah, and anyone that I've PM'd in the FS section about your turbo for sale, ANSWER ME!

You can get a purty new 16T on eBay for like $650.00...


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jesus mother of god.

and the guys at the dealership (in ottawa) were telling my dad that a new turbo would be...was it 3k or 5k...either way an obscene amount of money!

well, now I know where to look when my turbo goes to hell....which will happen eventually

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Yeah, I saw the $650 jobs, and thought I'd rather pay half that. Used ones seem to go for $150-300, but you don't know exactly what you're getting. I was just wondering if anyone here has rebuilt theirs, or if you can even get parts/kit to do it. I discovered I'm blowing smoke today, so the wag's sitting in the garage until I get a replacement.

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Search for this company in california called Volvo and Saab Dismantlers

Well actually... quick search This is the site

I talked to them when I considered rebuilding my turbo or getting another one. They offered me (may not be the deal anymore) $300 for a used 15G off of a parts car but they guaruntee it for 90 days. For an extra hundred (I think a little bit less) they offered a lifetime guarantee.

It ended up that I just didn't check my intercooler lines well enough, but that seems like a good deal. Give them a call and ask them. They didn't even want the old turbo, in fact they said they wouldn't take it... they had too many. So you could sell that for $50 I'm guessing to someone who wants to rebuild them.

So yea, give that company a call, see what the deal is.. they seemed helpful to me. Can anyone chime in about them?

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