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Mp3 Input For Sc 813


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EDIT: Make sure you have the code for your radio handy before attempting.

Hey guys,

After reading 850 guys hooking up their MP3 players thru TAPE fuction hack (Matthews Volvo), decided to give mine a look.

SC 813 (98 V70 with no CD player basic unit) is different somewhat with what was descibed in MV, so I did a little hacking myself.

These are what I discovered:

1. Unlike 850 players, SC 813 would not let you play a dummy tape that doesn't rotate the slave tape spool --> solution, create a dummy tape by removing the tape and find an appropriate rubber band that would not slack but not too tight and connect the two spools of your dummy tape.

2. The wiring of SC 813 from tape unit to AMP of the head unit is thru a 15-pin ribbon connector. There is no need to remove the tape unit (as is the procedure for 850 radios per MV), instead, open the bottom of the unit and find the connection of said ribbon connector. If you flip the head unit and remove the cover , the solders of the connector would look like this:

(back of unit)

o o o o o o o o

o o x o o o o

(front of unit)

As I found out, the left (L) and right ® terminals are as marked below, G seem to be grounds, but I just used a chassis ground (big solders all over the place connected to the body of the head unit. The 'x' by the way is unsoldered which should help you find this.

G R o o o o o o

L G x o o o o

Give it a try, just be careful and it should work. Might apply to other SC -series radios as well, I cannot be certain of course.

BTW, for a standard mini-phono plug, the base is the ground, the middle is RIGHT and the tip is LEFT.

Have fun! :)

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