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Turbo guys, need some help :)

Got this 94 turbo wagon yesterday, it runs, no CEL. Drove it on highway and it does feel Turbo is engaging, compared to how it feel when I accelerate our 98 V70 NA. The dash boost gauge was not connected when I drove it, so no visual/gauge indicator - will connect it for next drive.

If you have answers/comment, please indicate which item # you're referring to - thanks.


Tranny is recently replaced, from 98 model (x70), 2.3T ABS - based on Tom's Foreign receipt showing VIN YV1LW534XW2378xxx w/ 'W' year (98).


I think previous owner DIY the install (and replaced the RMS in the process - a big plus because the engine badly needs PCV service, it's smokin').

Since tranny is from later model, there are some wires that were run (from tranny to abs I'm told?) & seems properly connected since the speedometer is working. Fluid is dark though, doesn't smell burnt. Surprised it was not changed when installed (oh well, I'll do it).

I got the air-box out, I'm torqueing the bolts of the tranny on top - one is loose, one is totally not screwed in (will go underneath the car later to check the rest). Any idea how many bolts connect the tranny to the engine?

#3) So, with the air-box out, I observed that BCS is not used, and instead, MBC is installed. I snapped below picture, showing two electricals and two tubes/hoses not connected. I will refer to them in numbers below, please be specific in your answer.


#3.1 In the first circled item, should the hoses pointed by the arrows be connected?, looks like it. Hoses are FUBAR but can temporarily connect them with a bigger hose - should I?

#3.2 No electrical is connected to this one, the right hose from #3.1 comes out of this 'valve' attached to the big hose going to Turbo. What electrical connector attached to it?

#3.3 This one is open, the upper part of this tube is connected to the top part of the big flex-tube behind it, no valve, unlike in #3.1 - should I plug this or leave it open?

#3.4 This one is not connected either, and this would not fit #3.2, both are male. It's from the tranny. Because tranny is from 98?

#4) I got plans for this baby, but will deal with basics first (PCV, needs arms, tranny flush, I want to drop the pan, oils is dirty, and maybe deal with the oil-pump o-ring inside), + some other minor things.

I know the turbo is leaking, checked it underneath, but the 'plumbing' is suspect in this car, I mean, the MAF is not clamped and not secured with bolts in the box, several things are not connected as I indicated in #3, you get the idea. It got MBC, RIP KIT that really is not attractive (would rather get rid of it), and BOV installed (want it out too).

I would want to have the turbo/vac done over.

How should I approach this, considering I will do the PCV ASAP, can I try to restore the original vac hose routing (that is, get rid of MBC and install the BCS, etc) or just change go ahead with Samco hoses from this condition.



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