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Subwoofer Lights


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I plugged the leads of some little LED sized lamps into the speaker terminals of my sub and they are pretty cool. It is a cheap and easy way to have some lights that go with the bass and I have a switch wired in so that whenever I don't want them, they're off. I'm not sure what any negatives might be though, I can't tell any difference in sound, but let me know if you can think of a negative.

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the only issues i may see is as chris said, impedance issue, also, sometimes it could cuase a ground loop and induced noise but you seem to be fine... the only time i did something similiar i went and got a cheapo kraco amp from walmart, hooked it up, and hten use this thing to exclusiveply power some led bars...worked out okay (it wasnt my idea), so... i think you should be fine :)


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