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M5 Kill


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Last night I was coming on the entrance of 85 south. It was real late at night with no one around but, in front of me was a burgandy M5 with no plates - only sticker (not yet registered) so I know the guy just bought it. He is really slow at the beginning of the on ramp so I ended up coming up on him fast. As he gets into the turn he hits the gas but it's no match for the AWD of the S60R. I stay right on him. He hits it when he merges onto the highway and I stay right with him... stuck on his bumper. He immediately darts to the outside carpool lane and I stick right with him. At about 120 I pull to his inside and and keep it going easily passing him at 130+. (I think he actually got off of it). We both slow down but for the next 4 miles he is sure to stay in my rearview.

Experience gave me Volvo-wood!

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Last night I was coming on the entrance of 85 south. It was real late at night with no one around but, in front of me was a burgandy M5 with no plates - only sticker (not yet registered) so I know the guy just bought it. He is really slow at the beginning of the on ramp so I ended up coming up on him fast. As he gets into the turn he hits the gas but it's no match for the AWD of the S60R. I stay right on him. He hits it when he merges onto the highway and I stay right with him... stuck on his bumper. He immediately darts to the outside carpool lane and I stick right with him. At about 120 I pull to his inside and and keep it going easily passing him at 130+. (I think he actually got off of it). We both slow down but for the next 4 miles he is sure to stay in my rearview.

Experience gave me Volvo-wood!

I NEVER find anyone on 85 like that. Ive never been able to see how my poor volvo can match up to.

good run with the m5

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It was real late at night with no one around but, in front of me was a burgandy M5 with no plates - only sticker (not yet registered) so I know the guy just bought it.
So, you are racing a guy during his break in period? He really shouldn't be doing much for the first 1200 miles on the car. I believe that some BMWs even limit power during the break in period (although I might be thinking of another company).
Was not a newer M5... was a few years used car.
Ok, what year? It would help with knowing the power output of the car then.
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