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i got money too :D

but i dunno, i'm not in any big hurry. i'm ready for college but seeing all the 40 hour a week people at work every day and seeing how they feel about things is not making me want to be there. you just gotta find what you like to do i guess but that's not what you're always doing for work.

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Do you have any capital, stocks, or any other investments? There's having money, then there's HAVING MONEY.

In other news, tested out this whole "find my iPhone" thing with my MobileMe. Pretty damn cool.


It's centered practically over my bedroom (where I was) and I sent it a message. Kinda cool!

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In other news, tested out this whole "find my iPhone" thing with my MobileMe. Pretty damn cool.

It's centered practically over my bedroom (where I was) and I sent it a message. Kinda cool!

Yeah too bad it doesn't work when the phone is off though. So when someone steals it and puts a new SIM in...your boned.

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Yeah too bad it doesn't work when the phone is off though. So when someone steals it and puts a new SIM in...your boned.

The G1 instamapper GPS was married to the phone, not the sim, don't know if the iphone is the same. It does have to be on though.

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So I did nothing but work last night and went to bed at midnight... well I was woken up at 4am to my next door neighbors (in apartment complex) BLASTING Techno music and the bass was crazy.

Now I gave them about 20 mins thinking it was just for a little bit but then I went out there and knocked on there door.... no answer (music to loud)

Banged again... nothing... I did this 5 times.... they finally come to the door after 30mins and then I ask them to turn it down a bit.. they do not have to turn it off just down... I was then up for another 1 1/2hours not able to sleep and playing video games.

They turned it down after I asked them to which was nice... but damn it was annoying

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