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This is getting ridiculous.

Dave isn't a college kid buying the cheapest stuff possible, and I suspect he isn't willing to buy the cheapest stuff possible.

Two, as Dave outlined, paying someone to make the sandwich for him is a time saver. Sometimes it's "Cheaper" to have someone else do it. He also gets the variety of a different sandwich each day of the week.

Three, cost of living in DC is generally higher than Wisconsin.

And if you really want to keep going, neither of you have started factoring in sandwich decorations like sauces, oils etc assuming you don't like a meat-and-cheese dry sandwich.

Almost indisputably, dollar for dollar its cheaper to make your own subway at home. However you'll have some sacrifice in variety, time to make the sandwich, time spent shopping when your deli meat goes bad, etc.

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This is actually a funny related story. My mother used to run a private smaller catering business and when subway started this 5 dollar foot long shpeal she tried replicating it to a point of profitability and said it was near impossible unless she bought some astronomical amount of ingredients i forget what it was but it had me laughing.

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This is getting ridiculous.

Dave isn't a college kid buying the cheapest stuff possible, and I suspect he isn't willing to buy the cheapest stuff possible.

Two, as Dave outlined, paying someone to make the sandwich for him is a time saver. Sometimes it's "Cheaper" to have someone else do it. He also gets the variety of a different sandwich each day of the week.

Three, cost of living in DC is generally higher than Wisconsin.

And if you really want to keep going, neither of you have started factoring in sandwich decorations like sauces, oils etc assuming you don't like a meat-and-cheese dry sandwich.

Almost indisputably, dollar for dollar its cheaper to make your own subway at home. However you'll have some sacrifice in variety, time to make the sandwich, time spent shopping when your deli meat goes bad, etc.

I think what we just proved here is that it's just about even to go to subway vs making your own sandwich (granted you don't get the cheapest things possible, which I do because I'm not really a picky eater, I don't care about having oils/spreads on my sandwich because I eat healthy as well, so a bare cheese and meat sandwich with water is completely fine for me).

That got pretty heated there for a second. :D

If I hate horrible like pizza all day I would look into other options but I eat healthy

True. When you do have limited options Subway is a great alternative. If I was in the same situation as you I would be eating Subway every day too.

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finally set up my dual screen setup. now i can finally watch my Top Gear episodes on my 37" tv. B)

mmmmm. nom nom nom nom nom.

Haha. I really want to do that too! I wanna find a cheap 27"-32" flat panel tv that I can mount on the wall behind my computer desk and run dual with that and my current monitor. That'd be sweet. Maybe when I have a spare couple hundred lying around. I already have a 2nd computer hooked up to my 42, but that's in the other room so I can't watch movies and play on the computer at the same time. :P

Smithwicks, still down to meet up sometime? Grab a couple beers or something?

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Ew Dave you are so careful about your health but you drink diet soda? Not only is it worse for your body ie more acidic and harder to break down but it's been linked to major diseases. Just stick with the real stuff it will be better for you. I like to bring some grape fruit juice and apple and some subway. I like subway because I get the spicy Italian footlong for 5.30 and eat half one day and the other the next day so my meals are under 4 dollars lol

I broke down today though my girlfriend brought me a big mac and it was delicious :)

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Ew Dave you are so careful about your health but you drink diet soda? Not only is it worse for your body ie more acidic and harder to break down but it's been linked to major diseases. Just stick with the real stuff it will be better for you.

:lol: Someone believes everything he reads. Back up what you say.

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