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Fucking robbed again. This time from my storage unit in my building's basement where you need a key to access. WHAT THE FUCK?!!?!?!? A subwoofer my dad had given me, my engine stand, and my engine lift balancer are gone. You've got to be shitting bricks. All of the other units look to be untouched. This is some bullshit. Cops are on their way to do a police report. My poor excuse of a fucking landlord won't answer his phone. I officially hate Milwaukee more than I did before. Been robbed three times since I've lived here. :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:


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I wouldn't doubt it. He hasn't replied to my calls yet.

When my Wife's car was broken in to in the "Secure" underground parking where we used to live, a chick that worked in the office was in on it.

Wife dropped her phone, some neighbor turned it in. Office staff had seen it, but thought it was locked up since manager was gone.

Noticed minutes were being used. called it and found it 2 doors down in an apartment with one of the office staff. She lied to management about it, and got fired. we got let out of our lease 7 Mo early due to that and moved to a far better place.

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Gabe i'd try to get a house somewhere off campus with a few buddies. I'm sick of my appt. You remember me ranting about being blocked in on sunday? Well monday it happened, tuesday, wednesday, and thursday. They lied to my face telling me they couldn't tow it, got the name of someone in the office who told me they were full of shit and just lazy. Missed 4 days of work in one week without calling out....now my job is on the line because of something out of my hands.

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I wish, however, it's just not in the works right now to get a house somewhere, especially around here when leases end/begin in the summer. And if I do get a house, it would definitely be outside of Milwaukee and in one of the suburbs. I have to think about it, I loved this apt, but I'm starting to completely hate it, I know how you feel. Fuck. It just makes me want to transfer schools altogether and get the fuck out of Milwaukee. It's to the point that I hate the city.

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Some of you guys actually have real problems in your life :lol:

So let me complain about something much less important. Took girlfriend and I 12hrs pretty much straight short of a pizza break to change her heatercore. It's a galant, and while all of her engine work is much easier (mostly from being a small 4cyl and NA), I was wishing it was a Volvo all the way this time. You have to remove the entire interior, then the main beam that holds up the steering wheel comes off, then you can finally get the HVAC box out. It cannot come out any other way, and even with the two of us holding the main beam up and out of the way, it's still tricky as hell. Who the fuck designed this? I cannot believe they made it so you can't just remove a part of the HVAC box to allow access to the HC.

Oh, and the forum I'm using for galants covers this extremely poorly. Wish I had taken pictures to do a write-up, but I might just put some text together to save people in the future.

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Some of you guys actually have real problems in your life :lol:

So let me complain about something much less important. Took girlfriend and I 12hrs pretty much straight short of a pizza break to change her heatercore. It's a galant, and while all of her engine work is much easier (mostly from being a small 4cyl and NA), I was wishing it was a Volvo all the way this time. You have to remove the entire interior, then the main beam that holds up the steering wheel comes off, then you can finally get the HVAC box out. It cannot come out any other way, and even with the two of us holding the main beam up and out of the way, it's still tricky as hell. Who the fuck designed this? I cannot believe they made it so you can't just remove a part of the HVAC box to allow access to the HC.

Oh, and the forum I'm using for galants covers this extremely poorly. Wish I had taken pictures to do a write-up, but I might just put some text together to save people in the future.

I question a lot of the things that are done certain ways to cars and what not. I remember when I had my Ford Windstar (first car from my parents), working on that was a living hell. I feel like Volvo built their cars so you could easily work on them, I personally think doing anything to an 850 is so easy

Anyways, when I went home this weekend, my parents just moved into a house they remodeled a while ago and have been renting it out, but recently they sold the house I grew up in and moved into this and remodeled it again for themselves instead of a renter, this was my first time being back and seeing it fully done, they told me to go check out my room, I get up there and they had done this:


It's the original grill from my 850. They hung it on the wall in my bedroom, I don't know why, but I thought it was the coolest thing ever and the fact that they had though of it. It was a moment.

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I feel like Volvo built their cars so you their mechanics could easily work on them,


I still feel like working on a bunch of stuff in the engine bay can be difficult relative to other cars, but I think that comes mainly from the car being transversly mounted motor, with a rear mounted turbo.

Oh, and I sheered 4 bolts in half. FOUR! They used low grade interior bolts to hold one part to the pseudo-"drive shaft" arch. I guess they forgot these bolts when through the car and were exposed to the outside. They rusted out, and despite slowly and tediously backing them in and out, covered in copious amounts of PB Blaster, they could not be saved. They sheered in half with ease. Either I'm a gorilla, or they required basically no torque to break in half.

Nice thought with the grill, but I have to say, it seems a little out of place. What about putting it in a shadow box? Too far? :lol:

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I still feel like working on a bunch of stuff in the engine bay can be difficult relative to other cars, but I think that comes mainly from the car being transversly mounted motor, with a rear mounted turbo.

Nice thought with the grill, but I have to say, it seems a little out of place. What about putting it in a shadow box? Too far? :lol:

It can be difficult, but working on these car is so straightforward that it may be a bitch an a half to work on, but it's doable.

And if I would have taken a picture of the whole wall it wouldn't have looked as bad. But building a shadow box or something would actually be a really good idea, would make it look more like it was supposed to be there.

Edited by gilber33
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