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I also hate when Professors intentionally write an exam to be so long it would be difficult to complete in the time alloted. When is a professional engineer ever asked to do his job and not allowed to check his solution or double check his work? Or use a calculator...

That's because school is nothing like the real world, your not judged primarily on 1-hour pressure filled tests...you may have a busy day but still. <_< I cant wait till next May when Im done with my undergraduate career...hopefully I can land a job before then. :lol:

Do you have to take the FE Exam before you graduate?

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That's because school is nothing like the real world, your not judged primarily on 1-hour pressure filled tests...you may have a busy day but still. <_< I cant wait till next May when Im done with my undergraduate career...hopefully I can land a job before then. :lol:

Do you have to take the FE Exam before you graduate?

I haven't heard anything about an FE exam, I know theres an exam to become a certified engineer that they recommend. I'm ME and IIRC your Civil?

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I haven't heard anything about an FE exam, I know theres an exam to become a certified engineer that they recommend. I'm ME and IIRC your Civil?

Yeah Im Civil, although the ME's at my school have to take the test before they graduate. Its the test that makes you an 'engineer in training' or something close to that. 'X' years after you've taken the FE, you can then take the PE Exam...iirc. They recommend to take it our senior year here since the topics covered are all classes you took in college, so while its still fresh in your memory kind of.

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Wait what? Is this from when your tools were stolen originally? Or did your dad steal your tools?

No. I was robbed again last week, this time from my storage unit that's in a locked room in the basement of my apartment building (which requires a different key than the building key). I'm just completely emptying everything out from every location in my apartment building that is not inside my actual apartment. So he took his jack/jack stands, all my extra car parts I had down there, and a bunch of miscellaneous stuff that I was in the process of moving into my storage unit, etc.

I'm seeing an attorney tomorrow to see if it would be possible to break my lease.

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I cleaned out my spare wheel welll last week, it's crazy how much that thing can hold. I have all my cycling stuff, some basic tools and I still have room for 2 ECU's wrapped in protective material.

But I still have a spare: it's strapped down in the trunk area now.

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Its nice, I have a craftsman 154 pc tool kit, and it fits nice in the spare tire well. enough room on the side for the other things. The nice thing about the tool kit is theres space at the bottom to keep a few extras...like a breaker bar, grabber tool, magnet, light, and 36mm axle nut laugh.gif

on an unrelated note, I think its rediculous that I emailed my professor on Monday about our exam on Wednesday, asking if we were allowed calculators , and he still hasn't emailed back, also emailed all my TA's and they haven't answered....

I also hate when Professors intentionally write an exam to be so long it would be difficult to complete in the time alloted. When is a professional engineer ever asked to do his job and not allowed to check his solution or double check his work? Or use a calculator...

Let me write my own equation sheet, use a calculator and have a reasonable time to check my answers. If your afraid students won't learn the theory then ask questions about the theory /rant


the worst is with classes like partial differential equations and all of the laplace transforms... we have to memorize them lol... whY!!!!!!!

John your mech. right?

I may be dropping my dual major soon, Mech engr. and mathematics, obviously stick with just engr. i have had no life this semester and next semester is indoor and outdoor track and if i dont compete i dont get paid so i have to make a decision lol

fe is not manditory but important to have - fe fundamental engineers basically to become certified and the pe- professional engineer is years down the road with completion of the fe and experience... pe means you can sign off on projects and designs etc.

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I cleaned out my spare wheel welll last week, it's crazy how much that thing can hold. I have all my cycling stuff, some basic tools and I still have room for 2 ECU's wrapped in protective material.

But I still have a spare: it's strapped down in the trunk area now.

I think I'm going to check out my spare wheel well this weekend. :lol:

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the worst is with classes like partial differential equations and all of the laplace transforms... we have to memorize them lol... whY!!!!!!!

John your mech. right?

I may be dropping my dual major soon, Mech engr. and mathematics, obviously stick with just engr. i have had no life this semester and next semester is indoor and outdoor track and if i dont compete i dont get paid so i have to make a decision lol

fe is not manditory but important to have - fe fundamental engineers basically to become certified and the pe- professional engineer is years down the road with completion of the fe and experience... pe means you can sign off on projects and designs etc.

Yeah I'm Mech, I thought about double majoring in Math but after partial diff EQ I said F that, I've thought about a minor but the only decent minor related to Engineering at UMD is leadership in engineering. And no one's going to hire a fresh grad and put him in a leadership role. While it doesn't hurt it doesn't help either. I talked with my father, whos and EE, for a while about it, and I think I'll take the first two classes for the minor and if I don't like it I'll use those for tech elective credits.

I haven't really worried about the long term exams yet to be honest. I know theres one before I graduate, obviously FE now that you guys told me. I've been too busy with the course work this semester. Just this week I had 3 exams and tomorrow I have a 10 pg proposal due, and I'm proposing UMD should adopt CNG as fuel to power their buses instead of "clean" diesel. Wasn't really my choice but I can't say I hate it, atleast there's tons of reliable sources on the web.

I wouldn't be able to deal with the athletics and dual major Greg, Playing on the hockey team is only 2 days a week of practice and a few off ice work outs, and Games on the weekend. I can't imagine the hours and hours of running every day. I ran in highschool and swore it off after that laugh.gif

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I also hate when Professors intentionally write an exam to be so long it would be difficult to complete in the time alloted. When is a professional engineer ever asked to do his job and not allowed to check his solution or double check his work? Or use a calculator...

I had a professor once, who's test were all open book, open notes and allowed us to use the internet. He said "In the real world all of this is open to you."

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I had a professor once, who's test were all open book, open notes and allowed us to use the internet. He said "In the real world all of this is open to you."

Multiple computer professors told me that. I had one class that was math targeted at computing and the professor would do up pre-fab excel spreadsheets for you to use. They'd include all the equations and you just fill in the boxes and press enter. The catch was that you had to know which tool to use; there was 40+ and you had 2 minutes per question :lol: One professor encouraged us to use code found on the internet. She said someone's probably written it, tested it, and made it perform better than you can so use their shit and cite it.

In other news, just got back from the law office... closing on my fucking house wooooooooo

Under contract since June, trying to close since early August. What a trip it's been, but its over. Shit's been in boxes for a few weeks now. It's finally happened.

And unlike EricF, I was stupid enough to let my hobby take control. I insisted on a house with a garage :)

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And unlike EricF, I was stupid enough to let my hobby take control. I insisted on a house with a garage :)

Congrats on the house. You won't regret the garage. I enjoy working on the car more when I don't have to worry about leaving it in pieces overnight.

What I thought would happen but didn't was, I found myself washing and waxing the cars less because of the multitude of other responsibilities that came with home ownership. I just didn't have the time for it every weekend now.

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