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Maybe I'm missing the obvious here (wouldn't be the first time) but is that supposed to be something other than coke? Because I'm struggling to think of anything else that would work given the context. And I'm no marketer but saying you're "powerful like coke" just doesn't seem like it conveys the right idea. It's a two-stage thought. Top of the world, followed by guy scratching his neck asking you for a dollar.

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It's a multi-part campaign where a word and symbol connected to that word is presented with a description below it conveying the personality of Bloomberg Businessweek and how they're covering a related issue. The cocaine is supposed to be edgy and it would make more sense if you could read the text below. Here are a couple other examples:



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Ah, I didn't think that text was part of the ad, more of fine print or typical business slogan stuff. That makes more sense. Esp being part of the campaign.

And no doubt it will cause people to talk, and not forget the ad. So mission accomplished I guess.

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how should I mount a giant TV box to the garage ceiling? want to keep, need out of the way.

Is this just cardboard? Or you mean you want to use the box to store the TV that came in it?

Do you have a sheetrock ceiling, or 2x6 rafters exposed? Rafters behind sheetrock, or concrete behind it? Need more details.

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how should I mount a giant TV box to the garage ceiling? want to keep, need out of the way.

Flatten it, screw two pieces of PVC/2x4/metal pipe/ etc. and slide the box between the pipes/2x4s/etc and the ceiling. It may not look so pretty but it gets the job done.

Edited by Timbo Slice
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3M makes a hard click-type velco. I've found it at radio shack, probably available at target as well. It is the same product used by the toll transponders I've seen, except it is bigger strips of it. Rock solid click action, pretty sticky on the backside. The only problem is if it gets above 90F in the garage, the glue starts to get more gel-like and will eventually separate with enough weight.

Pictured on the left.


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hmmm..... i did just bring a whole mess of "industrial" Velcro home from work :lol: wouldn't give a shit about damage from removal either... hmm....

yea, i know the hard type... not what i have... but what I have i've been using at work for years, so i have faith... If i use enough (i.e. distribute weight evenly), heat might be OK... certainly i'd be OK for the next few months :lol:

I wonder if I can jam it above the door rails/i wonder if that would get in the way of anything

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Don't forget about humidity, time, and cardboard. If it is only supported by one narrow beam, once the humid summer ends, you might have a pretty beat up box.

This feels like way too much talk/think about storing trash. But at the same time, I can't think of a better way. Do your parents or friends have any attic space? This is prime real estate for your stuff and the easy/obvious fix.

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I'm on my own to either deal with it or not :lol: It's actually my roommates and I suggested he keep it because, historically, we move every year (or him just getting into the games industry might mean a move out west pretty soon)... and it's like 60"... it's one thing if you can stick it in your back seat during a move...

velcro'ing random items to a ceiling sounds like fun though, might give it a shot this weekend :D

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My roommates in school used to have an industrial stapler on the coffee table. They stapled anything and everything to the wall, ceiling, entertainment center whatever it would stick to. Done with a box of crackers? Staple it to the wall. It was kinda funny at first. Though after a couple months of this it got quite old for a number of reasons. Surprised, right?

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