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(not tryna call you out or anythin just clarifyin my point) my comment was rather vague and easily misinterpreted.. that was NOT the point. it was to go along with dave chappelles comment on being a police officer. People cant just walk around showing off there tits and asses and not expect a guy to say something.. its just gonna happen, if girls dont want the attention like that they should not dress like that; that was my point.
chicken meet egg. They're calling for men to turn off their hormones. And there are some men who simply will not control theirs. The term neanderthal wouldn't be far off the mark.

I completely agree with the philosophy that it is unacceptable to claim that the way a woman dresses or acts means she is asking for some guy to jump on her and have his way with her. However, I'm a realist too, and I will tell my daughters that dressing in a manner that attracts undue attention to your body can get you in trouble.

I think the distinction here is : are you dressed in a smaller tennis skirt, or dressed like you're going to high-profile club followed with an afterparty at the Playboy Mansion? But I think a nice middle ground for their arguement is a typical bikini at the beach being modeled well. They're asking for people not to stare or hit on them just because they're laying in the sand among 300 other people
Some guys are going to stare at and hit on women they find attractive no matter how they are dressed. It's a specious argument. I get it but go try convincing the Neanderthal.

The whole event makes women feel good but I guarantee it's not reaching the harassers.

Oh and Alden, here's the rub. Their complaint isn't really that they don't want to be noticed. They just don't want to be approached or ogled by creep guys.

Like I said, good luck on that one.

Oh I totally get what you're saying. I'm straddling the fence here, or perhaps playing devils advocate.

Here's where I stand. I think it's pretty despicable to try and blame a woman for being raped or molested because of what she is wearing. But on the other hand it's known by nature that certain clothing will attract more attention than others, and sometimes that attention is negative/creepy, etc. I think there's a fine line and it's also a really hard issue to try and make black&white. There is a lot of grey area for sure. Anyways. Obviously the Slut Walk's mission is just to try and bring awareness to this but it's probably not the best way to make that happen. And if a difference is to be made it's with parents teaching their children to respect others no matter what they are wearing or how they act, and reminding men (and women) that they never have the right to take advantage of a woman (or man) without her (or his) consent.

Onto driving dogs...

HOW CUTE :lol:

That post got royally messed up...lol so much for quotes...

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Fixed the quotes for you, my eyes were hurting :lol:

RE: massive post block, I think the kind of people who are raised to support very aggressive attitudes, disrespect for boundaries, or any kind of assault are in the least civilized class. And by that I mean dumb parents means dumb kids. "Can't fix stupid". One of the pictures showed a woman carrying sign suggesting we teach people not to rape instead of teaching women to protect themselves. I think that's a rather utopian and impossible idea. I think you need a mix of both, but much like gun debates, "tell me about all those law abiding criminals".

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Fixed the quotes for you, my eyes were hurting :lol:

RE: massive post block, I think the kind of people who are raised to support very aggressive attitudes, disrespect for boundaries, or any kind of assault are in the least civilized class. And by that I mean dumb parents means dumb kids. "Can't fix stupid". One of the pictures showed a woman carrying sign suggesting we teach people not to rape instead of teaching women to protect themselves. I think that's a rather utopian and impossible idea. I think you need a mix of both, but much like gun debates, "tell me about all those law abiding criminals".

Thank you :lol:

Yes, I do think you have some good points.



He fixed the quotes for me and I even said it got messed up :P

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Here's where I stand. I think it's pretty despicable to try and blame a woman for being raped or molested because of what she is wearing. But on the other hand it's known by nature that certain clothing will attract more attention than others, and sometimes that attention is negative/creepy, etc. I think there's a fine line and it's also a really hard issue to try and make black&white. There is a lot of grey area for sure. Anyways. Obviously the Slut Walk's mission is just to try and bring awareness to this but it's probably not the best way to make that happen. And if a difference is to be made it's with parents teaching their children to respect others no matter what they are wearing or how they act, and reminding men (and women) that they never have the right to take advantage of a woman (or man) without her (or his) consent.

Onto driving dogs...

HOW CUTE :lol:

That post got royally messed up...lol so much for quotes...

Fixed the quotes for you, my eyes were hurting :lol:

RE: massive post block, I think the kind of people who are raised to support very aggressive attitudes, disrespect for boundaries, or any kind of assault are in the least civilized class. And by that I mean dumb parents means dumb kids. "Can't fix stupid". One of the pictures showed a woman carrying sign suggesting we teach people not to rape instead of teaching women to protect themselves. I think that's a rather utopian and impossible idea. I think you need a mix of both, but much like gun debates, "tell me about all those law abiding criminals".

Thank you :lol:

Yes, I do think you have some good points.


He fixed the quotes for me and I even said it got messed up :P

Quoting is really hard.

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