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I know, saw the sign for via de ventura, not far from me at all haha

You can see one of the schools my company owns in that picture in the top right. Small world.

Mainly it's a cost and moral outrage issue than anything else.

Meh, if you eat meat at all then feeling one way or the other about any animal is rather ethnocentric. I do like to know what animal I am eating though. Reminds me when I was in China, and a trailer over-turned and spilled 1000 cats onto the highway headed for Chengdu restaurants.

I had just left the city two days ago. :lol:

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Meh, if you eat meat at all then feeling one way or the other about any animal is rather ethnocentric. I do like to know what animal I am eating though. Reminds me when I was in China, and a trailer over-turned and spilled 1000 cats onto the highway headed for Chengdu restaurants.

I had just left the city two days ago. :lol:

Of course it's ethnocentric but that's what culture is all about. There is a flavor and texture difference between cow and horse. And while your world-wise attitudes reflect an open gastronomic attitude Erik, that's not how most citizens of Western civilization see things. For that matter, every culture has their taboos food wise once you move above the poverty levels where you'll eat whatever protein you can find to survive.

If only volvo did something like this... It would be so cool http://www.fordshowparts.com/store.cfm?store_id=1

What, you don't have the Monroney sticker for your car? I've got mine for the S70 and haven't really thought about tracking it down for the coupe. Make friends with a someone who works in Sales at a dealer and you can probably get them to print something out for you.

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Idk why this is a big deal....horse meat is tasty lol

I agree with Alain, it boils down to what cultures tolerate.

I live in the middle of horse racing country. I'd get shot if I suggested eating horse to friends here. But when I lived in France as a kid, we had a neighbor who ate horse over cow.

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