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If you rent you never build equity. Period. If you have 20% to put down on a house in the right area and can get a low rate, it is the best investment you can ever make. The earlier you do it in life, the better.

True. That is the common understanding of the American dream. Buy a house, pay down the mortgage and reap the benefits of the investment because house prices always increase.

Except when they don't.



The assumptions are you buy that home and live there for 7-10 years at a minimum. That your job is stable. That you don't buy more house than you can afford. That you don't need the flexibility to pick up and move 2 years later as many careers may require, especially early in a career. That you actually want to deal with all of the maintenance issues that come with home ownership.

Your point about the right area is critical Erik. The bubble burst as we all know back in 2007. The housing markets had become hyperinflated by investors who were buying new and then flipping 6-12 months later and by all kinds of new buyers who had no business being in the market. My sister rode the wave selling her starter home in a wealthy area of the NW Chicago suburbs where tear downs were popular in 2001, buying in Las Vegas and selling that home in 2006, and then settling down in a fantastic home in Utah and watching the prices start crashing everywhere shortly thereafter.

The question to ask is, when the foreclosure mess finally clears out - which it hasn't fully in many housing markets - will prices ever reach the levels they once were? That depends on the strength of the economy and the management of the banking industry which has dramatically changed since the common wisdom of home ownership as an investment became the standard understanding. Some areas have been so overbuilt that the supply will outstrip demand for years to come especially as many of the jobs that supported them have disappeared. Many of those homes were being bought by people who were working in the home building industry and as we know that industry cratered.

For some people, renting is a much wiser financial choice if they take the money they save and put it into solid investments elsewhere or they leverage the flexibility they gain to move as the jobs they pursue evolve.

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That comic is AWESOME Matt. :lol:

I'd post it on the wall in my office if I didn't think it would get me in serious trouble with HR.

Where the hell else are we supposed to discuss topics unrelated to working on a car? :huh::lol:


I wonder if they asked the kid if that's what they really meant?


From imgur: My friend Jordan told his wife he didn't know how to cut a watermelon. She said, "Do it like Dexter."

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Honda, introducing the world's fastest lawnmower:

Some engineering team got a plum job for a few weeks!

If Volvo built a lawnmower this is the version that JoshV70 would drive. :lol:

And here's the stig taking it out for a spin:

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Working on the loading dock today at school. Needless to say it's kinda warm out. But nonetheless, watched someone stop in mid-stride, slowly keel over, and then completely fall over landing on one of our large wooden flat-bed carts with their face momentarily passing out. Decent amount of blood from nose and mouth. It was pretty scary thing to see. Ambulance came and took him to the hospital.

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