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Just heard on the news that San Francisco is considering making a law that will allow police to ignore when cyclist do not obey stop lights or signs. Cyclist say it is inconvenient to have to stop at every light and sign, especially on a hill. They want to be able to go through them when they feel like it.

Okay, so they bitch and complain about how they have the right to be on roadway, just as much as cars but they only want to follow the rules that are convenient for them? This is the arrogant self-righteousness that makes me not able to stand these people.

And you really want someone on a bike stopping in front of you at every stop sign for 5 seconds? so it'll take them forever to get going again..

Drivers who whine about bikes rolling stop signs are just bitchy lil girls. 

What next? Runners have to obey all traffic laws too? How about roller bladers? 

Don't you have anything better to be upset about?


I also would be willing to bet every single driver who cry's about bikes and stop signs has exceeded a posted speed limit that very same day.. Has probably also rolled a 4way stop without counting 5, Probably changed lanes with out signaling. Maybe even sent a text message or 2.. SO, You too are breaking a law with your entitled arrogance.

I've cut off so many bikers in philly that blow stop signs when I'm looking for parking at work. I enjoy it.

Moves like that are a good way to get your mirror "accidentally" knocked off.

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I don't have to worry about that here, we have no stop signs or stop lights. The problem here is the cyclist who ride in the middle of the lane and will not let you by even when there is room. 

Runners are not running on the street most the time, they use the sidewalks, same with fruitbooters.

I'm not bitching about the fact they are rolling stop signs I am bitching about the fact that they are constantly saying drivers must share the road, and they have every right to be on it as cars do, but then pull some double standard shit and say they should not have to follow the rules they don't like. If I, in a car, rolled a stop sign in front of a cop, you betcha I would get pulled over, and I would not be surprised. 


Edited by survolvo
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Moves like that are a good way to get your mirror "accidentally" knocked off.

Don't care. Fuck them. Especially the ones who don't stop for pedestrians. If you roll through stop signs in a high volume low visibility area in any vehicle you're a selfish asshole. Just as bad as the people who fly through residential areas way over the limit. Do you normally kick people's mirrors off when they have the right of way?

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Pointless argument. 


And no I don't kick mirrors off cars with the right of way. 

I used a U-lock on cars who "cut me off" because They "enjoyed it"

But whatever ever makes you feel better about your anger 

Edited by Dick Dastardly
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I'll believe it's recommended in some driver's handbooks. Or as part of a "look left, look right" routine. But I'm not seeing any law for NY, nor am I seeing it in the section linked below of their driving literature.I recently looked this up for at least MA and RI. And pretty sure other New England states. I have not been able to find any evidence of any state requiring any time stop. Granted, I haven't spent a lot of time on it either. Love to hear if someone finds a law for their US state requiring it.




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I remember that. I took my drivers test in NY.. In 1989. 

I took mine same year in MI. I drive like an asshole and hate when people are in my way, and I have no conscience about it. What I really hate is some douche that can't handle it when they get passed.

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