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I think the whole "hybrid-rage" is worse. douches in hybrids moving slow so they attempt to never have their gas engines kick in.... or holding up traffic behind a left turn arrow waiting for a huge opening so they don't have to press the gas hard enough to engage the gas engine. I was behind one lady who sat there waiting for maybe a 200ft opening before she went... damn prius owners ... you save gas by wasting mine!

Its called hypermiling. Maybe you shouldn't have bought that SUV.

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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

go past a cop doing 20 over....beemer is following you going a couple of mph over...pulls over the beemer

that could happen :lol:


always :lol:

'Volvo, Faster than you thought.'

so true rofl

That reminds me.... the ONE time I have been pulled over. I pulled away too fast from a light, cop pulls me over and tells me 'What are you doing? If your going to drive like an idiot go back to Hingham.' and drives away. Hingham = rich suburb on the border of the city I was in. :lol:

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I hope you arent buying that.

What a POS.

:lol: to late

for less then a grand it will be up and running and driving around.

Figure sell it for 3k

that or trading my mom for her sedan and then trade that for that saff C70 :)

I sense a black R bumper in my near future :lol:

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