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What is the process you use for cleaning your floor mats at the car wash?

I am going to do mine soon.

This is my guess:

-High pressure soap

-High pressure rinse

-Let dry

Just wanted to know if you scrubbed anything, or if you just used water, or what.

Yep! That's all I do. I lay the mats out on the lawn in full sun, and in about 2-4 hours they're dry. In that time you can be cleaning your rims, cleaning the interior, doing something....

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i don't like that many dogs, they just smell bad and slobber and stuff. i used to want one but not so much anymore. do you have a dog, dave?

+1 million.

My two dogs are cool. But they require so much maintenance. Constant bathing, walking, attention, searching for bombs in the backyard, teeth cleaning, and worse of all anal glands on dogs are always in need of being squeezed, or they scoot around like Danny's avatar.

Cats are so independent. You fill a cat food hopper up with food, leave a big bowl of water out, and they feed themselves. They don't need to be bathed as much, and they wont let you clean their teeth. When you want to give them attention, they dont stink, dont slobber all over you and dont hump your leg. And you always know where to find the kitty bombs. In a litter box in the garage. :D

I'd trade in my two dogs for a nice cat no doubt.

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Have you ever noticed how big dogs are not very bright.

My neighbor has a Great Dane, her name is Dana.

She's as dumb as a box of hair. EVERYTHING scares her.

And tiny dogs are always ferocious little I crapped my pants and I love how it feels.

If I HAD to pick out another dog, I'd get another Bull Terrier.

We had a Bull Terrier when I was a kid, all white one ear had a little black mark, his name was Bullet. I loved him.

Can you imagine how HUGE a Great Dane's craps are?! No missing those.

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