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just had my cavity filled.

didnt hurt, but i was uncomfortable. i really dislike the dentist.

now the left side of my mouth is numb.

i had my wisdom teeth pulled a month ago and stayed awake for it. i was pumped full of novocain so I didn't feel but you know how dentists talk to you while they have all of their drills and stuff in your mouth? that was annoying :lol: the next four hours sucked because I couldn't feel my face and my cheeks were stuffed full of gauze but at least I didn't look like a chipmunk for the next couple days after that :lol:

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i had my wisdom teeth pulled a month ago and stayed awake for it. i was pumped full of novocain so I didn't feel but you know how dentists talk to you while they have all of their drills and stuff in your mouth? that was annoying :lol: the next four hours sucked because I couldn't feel my face and my cheeks were stuffed full of gauze but at least I didn't look like a chipmunk for the next couple days after that :lol:

for my wisdom teeth i had em give me laughing gas and Novocaine as well...i think it was the laughing gas but all i wanted to do was just go to sleep :lol: but they wouldnt let me <_<

the crackling and popping did a fairly good job of keeping me awake *shutters* i cant imagine how much that would hurt without being numbed up before hand.

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yes! got my tests back today. 91 on both my baby circuits test and mythology quiz

really happy how the circuits test came out.

ashamed about the mythology quiz...its mythology, it should be guaranteed 100% :lol:

also for the mythology class we have to do a creative paper set in any time period. basically you have to show the different gods defining qualities...i ran this idea past the teacher and she loved it.

title is going to be: "The God's Go Car Shopping" so now im trying to think of what cars go with which gods....hmmm which one would be into volvos

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for my wisdom teeth i had em give me laughing gas and Novocaine as well...i think it was the laughing gas but all i wanted to do was just go to sleep :lol: but they wouldnt let me <_<

the crackling and popping did a fairly good job of keeping me awake *shutters* i cant imagine how much that would hurt without being numbed up before hand.

as much as it hurt trying to eat hard candy the day after the operation :lol:

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So the vet that did the declaw has apparently super glued two of my cats toes together.

They use super glue instead of stitches btw.

I'm pretty pissed off about this, because it means i'm going to have to take him back.

This time he's not getting out of that kennel carrier.

i remember once, we had to take our cat to the vet and he doesnt like going in the cage at all...so the vet gave us some sedatives or something, fed those to him(without him knowing it :lol: ) and when it was time to go, he was all loopy and crap :lol:

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