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well, it's only like $7 for one wheel and since your taking mass away from the rim so far away from the center of it it's going to leave it unbalanced. you might have that annoying shaking on the highway from the wheel afterwards without a balance.

I did not bend a wheel

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what I'm saying is that the curb tore away mass and sanding it down to smooth it out will create dust, mass that you will blow away. the weights that they put on wheels are only like a couple grams so if you take off a couple grams it will shake at 60mph

and why isn't the baseball game on...

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michael, i can't imagine posting on a forum where my dad was a mod :lol:

oh and i was also wondering, anyone know much about minis? my friend got a brand new cooper, he got a bunch of options instead of the S though :( i'm trying to get him to let me drive it sometime, lol. it's a stick.

minis are fun no matter if its an S or not. My friends mom has a standard mini stick in a light green, apperantly they discontinued the color shortly after so its rare i dunno but those cars are fun oh and your friends smart :P

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