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where at danny? I did my good deed for the year too :lol: there were 2 women and 2 kids waiting for the hoco transit bus yesterday when it was cold as fuck and i gave them a ride home, turned out they were katrina victims.

Back in Virginia when I was with the g/f. Saw a black 850 with its hood popped. I had all my tools in my trunk, so I would have felt awful if I hadn't asked. They simply needed a jump, and I had cables as well.

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So I've been up all damn night and have a sad story to unload...

My gf came over around 6 pm last night and stayed until roughly 3, getting home around 3:30/4 ish. Prior to leaving her 2 dogs both 2 yrs old got into a nasty little scuffle due to the bigger one eating the smaller one's food. No big deal right, that happened about an hour before she put them in their cage which is more than big enough for them both to comfortably run around in. If they are left out they eat walls and terrorize. So she gets home and I get a frantic phone call saying Sasha, the smaller one is laying on the floor, barely conscious, bloody, swollen and not moving and Daisy, the bigger one, just walks out of the cage, gets a drink and shows signs of wanting outside like nothing happened and also did not have one mark on her...ok so I jump in the car and head over to meet her at the Emergency Vet place in Lanc. that's open on weekends to include late hours. My gf's a mess obviously and we're talking to the vet, he tells us that she is in a severe state of shock and fentanol was needed to releive her pain and that this happened and was over with within the first hour that my gf was gone. Luckily Sasha's going to be ok but man I can't remember the last time I felt so sad, when I saw the result of the fight it really made my heart skip a beat....her ENTIRE neck is swollen like a softball and has BAD rugburn type marks from being chewed/scratched, the sides of her face also showed the same thing. Her ears combined have 30 puncture wounds along with another 5 on top of her head and her eye was bleeding from her head being smashed in Daisy's mouth....it was just an incredibly sad moment, but none the less when we went back to the caging area she started wagging her tail, trying to get up and attempting to whimper although her neck's so swollen nothing came out.

So we're now waiting on the Humane League to open as my gf has decided to part with Daisy in fear that something like this will happen again and again, I kept my opinions and everything to myself and have just simply "been here for her" as I want no part in making that kind of decision, although I can surely respect her choice. Prior to relaxing after a long night when we got back to her house we were sweeping, mopping, scrubbing, disinfecting the entire kitchen floor due to it being covered in stuff, piss and blood....looked like a UFC ring. :(

Sorry this is so long this whole situation just saddens me a little bit as I couldn't imagine seeing my dog in the state that Sasha is in and will be in for a while. She's supposed to come home later this afternoon so I'm just hoping all goes well and she can begin to heal, without the presence of her once sister and best friend Daisy.

Thanks for taking the time to read over this.

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So we're now waiting on the Humane League to open as my gf has decided to part with Daisy in fear that something like this will happen again and again,

good move. if a dog as that behavior in it, it will reappear. then it could be worse, like a small kid.

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This is Lisa (Aaron's gf).. unfortunately Daisy my two year old puppy had to be put to sleep. No shelters would accept her due to liability of another attack, and I fear Sasha's life if I keep her... This is an incredibly sad day for the both of us. Sasha will be home later this afternoon with a long road of healing ahead. Right now she is on a fast drip IV to make up for the blood loss, 3 different pain killers (inc. Fentanol), and two diff antibiotics. Hopefully, once she is healed she will not have any lasting mental affects from this attack from her best friend.


RIP Daisy Mae 4/1/06-1/3/09 (the one on the couch)

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aaron that dog story is really sad :( they are both so cute.

thanks for the kind words....this whole deal is so sad, ive never taken a dog to get put to sleep and having to carry her in the building didn't help much either, at least she couldn't feel the youthanization and slipped off without knowing what was going on....time heals all now's just a very sad time

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another shitty part about it is my dad and I's dog is 12 and nearing that age.....but I just try to kick that thought out of my head, never realized how much it hurts to lose an animal and ive only known her dogs a year and a half

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i feel for you man, it's a horrible situation. whenever i think of animals being put to sleep i just remember putting my 2 cats to sleep and how sad it was :( hope you and the gf feel better soon, losing pets is a real bummer though, especially in a situation like that.

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i feel for you man, it's a horrible situation. whenever i think of animals being put to sleep i just remember putting my 2 cats to sleep and how sad it was :( hope you and the gf feel better soon, losing pets is a real bummer though, especially in a situation like that.

thanks man, appreciate it alot

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so i almost wrecked my car today :( driving down some backroads toward the freeway, road is dry. i'd been down that road 3 times today and knew this one particular corner was wet. being the extremely responsible person i am i slowed way the hell down for the turn while the SUV flew around it. i kept going at my speed, probly like 25mph when i would be able to take it in normal conditions at 35 or 40 easily. so i get onto the "water" and all the sudden i am just sliding silently toward the outside of the turn scared as shit. i slammed the breaks out of reflex, a bad idea but it got the job done with turning the wheel also but i barely stayed on the road. it had been 38F earlier today and right after this happened i looked down at the dash and saw it was 28 :o it scared the shit out of me and showed me even when i think i'm being careful bad stuff can happen. later there was even more ice on the whole road as i was coming home and i slowed down to make a left turn and just started sliding toward a curb and it sucked. ice is sketch/

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aaron, I feel for you man, just last year we had just gotten a new cat and noticed she had a limp we waited a few days to go to the doctors and by the time she got there she could barely move her paws. It turned out the be a brain infection and we had to put her down within a week of having her.

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aaron, I feel for you man, just last year we had just gotten a new cat and noticed she had a limp we waited a few days to go to the doctors and by the time she got there she could barely move her paws. It turned out the be a brain infection and we had to put her down within a week of having her.

It was really tough man, thanks for the kind words. It's slowly getting better though, her and I didn't sleep too much last night but did rest without being completely sad. She just talked to the animal hospital this morning. Sasha is doing great, vitals, etc. are rapidly approaching normal, she's got some spunk as they call it...getting excited and such. They also said she has been going for walks outside, going to the bathroom just fine and FINALLY eating and drinking and keeping it in her stomach. They're re evaluating her within the next hour and Lisa just might be able to take her home today. The swelling looks alot worse than day 1 but that's normal. Swelling always gets 5 times worse before it gets better. We got her this really soft bed...kinda like a big ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD beanbag but incredibly soft for her to lay in when she comes home. We figured it'd be a good idea seeing as how her entire neck and sides of her face are really swollen and laying flat on a floor, couch, bed would probably be a little uncomfortable.

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