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Brah, just backup whatever files you want saved, delete partition and reinstall OS.  At least thats what I have done in my past of naive leet computer skllz.

Thanks for the advice for hopefully not next time....lol.

I don't really have too much important stuff on here, really just 20 gigs of music, less than one of pictures and unfortunately no setup programs which is why I had to manually add everything again after the recovery. I just copied that crap to dad's external 1 TB hd.

I'm not sure what you meant about partition....it's an HP Pavilion a712n, pretty old.....~2004?..........one primary 140 gig, one recovery hd ~8 gig, after the recover I was on XP SP1, how old is that?! LOL It even had Norton 2004. :lol:

I swear after the recover I had to update to update, stuff was so old and outta date.

So now I'm running Bitdefender security center which I just bought ~25 from Circuit City and Webroot Desktop Firewall, which is a free, excellent firewall IMO. I have Spybot Search & Destroy and Revo Uninstaller on a USB drive as well for those rough times, if any. (hopefully none)

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I back up every week, format once every 3 months for my home PC

XP Pro SP3 FTW!!!

I never really thought about backing up my stuff before, although after this I left copies of my music, pictures, resumes and car stuff on dad's external.

It took a while after the recovery but I'm back to XP SP3 as well and it's running smooth as evar!

Edit: It was a destructive recovery that was run as compared to the standard, I just wasn't sure what all the viruses got to so starting out from scratch seemed to be the way to go. It was really weird going through all the Windows set up screens. lol

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