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my dad is 60 something... am i allowed to get him an old man card where it says he is allowed to scratch his butt and fall asleep whenever needed?

i'm not trying to offend him, he might be at that point where he is in denail about being old...

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LOL I think they do get offended. The other day my mom and I were having a conversation, at some point in the conversation she mentioned she was "middle aged" (she's 56) My response was a smart, Middle aged?! How many 112 year olds do you know??!! ....She wasn't smiling after I said that. I was. :lol:

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oh, and his wife is having what i'll describe as "old people surgeries"

but i think i might... i mean the pic is of a REALLY old man w/ a walker and shit... he's pretty fit... he'd have to know its a joke :lol:

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hello potential firewood B)

I probably have enough to last me 3 winters, no joke. It's pretty insane.

Yeah some people are gonna be without for 2 weeks?

Yeah, friends skipped town after sleeping in 30 degree temperatures in their house for 2 nights.

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working from home again... awesome

I 'work' from home everyday... <_<

So far today I've put two coats of stain on some maple ply that I'm using in the theater. I got a couple of nasty splinters on the undersides of some knuckles. Irritating as hell!

Urrrrrrrrrrrrr Quattro!! Sort of.


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