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Turbo Replaced, Samcos, But It's Smoking!


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Hey everyone!

I haven't been on here in a long while, trying to replace the turbo, hoses, ball joint, and other stuff. I think my wag's been on stands for nearly 2 months now.

Here's the dirt. I just put in a replacement 15g turbo (thanks Pras) along with the Samco kit, and Stylin Motors' vacuum hose kit. Got the battery charged and fired up the beast for the first time tonight. It sucked down the reservoir of coolant real quick and started smoking from near (at or under) the turbo. I shut off the car, filled the res back up and started it again. This time the coolant stayed level and it took longer for the turbo to smoke. It's not blue or black smoke like I had from the old leaky turbo, it's thin white smoke like you'd get from the radiator.

I'm assuming it's just burning residues of cleaners, oil, and other crap in the vicinity, but wanted to check in with y'all before I take it for a hot lap. I also haven't put my heat shields back in place. Maybe the turbos always do this, and the heat shield has hidden it before?

Gimme your thoughts, please.

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By the way, I relocated my horns while I was under the car, and holy cow is that easy! If you're thinking about doing it, it takes like 15 minutes max. It's almost like Volvo anticipated the move and gave us 2 perfect mounting holes on the frame near the driver's front wheel.

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Did you use new seals on everything ? Did you check for leaks ? Hold a flood light to that area with the engine running and find out where it comes from. You may just have some stuff on your exhaust line too.

Is the car running at a normal temp ? You must have had an air bubble to go through an entire reservoir, next time, fill it back up slowly.

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Yeah, the cooling line's tight, there's only one, really. I used new copper washers, the turbo seal is new, the oil return o-ring is new (although, now I wonder how tight it's sitting). I had the car running while I shined the light on from the top because I was concerned about the lines leaking, and they're not (from the top anyway) I'll check underneath. I honestly haven't had the car running long enough for the thermostat to kick in. Maybe I'll go run it for a while.

I hope it's just residue. It's just so embarrassing to come to a stop light when you're car's hot and steam's coming out the hood. :P

And yeah, there was quite the air bubble. The turbo was empty when I put it in, so it would have had to fill that up. I'm also still up on jack stands because the control arm is off right now, so I'm not running on a "level surface".

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Just do a check from underneath and go from there. Did you spay Rust penetrant or something that would cause white-ish smoke. What does the odor smell like. Spray the exhaust with it cold and off with brake clean/ hexane that is non chlorinated. Then start it and see what happens.

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Thank you, Captain Obvious! Sometimes I need a lesson in the effects of gravity. You guessed it with the whitish smoke. I had Deep Creep all over that area. The same stuff was coming from the exhaust, but after a break in drive the exhaust is clean. Still some smoke from the turbo area, but no leaks. I'm just going to let the crap burn itself off. Sure runs good though, woo-hoo! And my mesh grille looks so much better now without the "twin turbo horns" showing behind it.

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I did a power steering hose and alternator on a Hyundai last week after the hose blew up and threw up fluid all over the exhaust. I think it took my friend about 400 miles to burn off everything, even after we wiped most of it off the exhaust line.

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