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My 98 Turbo


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The shop wasn't insured to repair their mess up?

Might be able to take the rims and jewels off and sell them separately here and stick some junkyard headlights and rims. Might make more money that way. Just a heads up, the For Sale forum requires a supporting membership to post in. you can get one for $10. The auction section is free however.

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the shop musta given you some freaking $$ for that.

so you're taking the money that they gave you to fix it, selling this car, and buying a new one? did they wind up giving you a ridiculous amount of extra money or what? because if not, then this does NOT make any sense.

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Yes, the guys shop insurance gave me some money but not much! I basically got screwed and now I have a vehicle with a salvage title that I'm stuck with and I don't want to put any more money into it because it's not worth it to me, because it's worth nearly nothing. It's crazy I paid $35K for the car brand new back in 1998. It's been a great car though, I was planning to keep it forever, until this happened. Time to move on to a V70 R!!

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