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850 Idle Problems


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Ok so I changed the timing belt on my 96 850 glt.... I got the timing right so no problems there but when I put every thing back together and fired it up it sounded to me like the firing order is off... I asked my father who owned the car before me and put the last timing belt on to take a look at it and tell me what he thought. He believes that it is in the fuel control and one of the injectors is pumping in too much fuel in to one of the pistons... the strange part is when I drive it it is fine. It runs just like it is suppose to it is only when it is idling it sound rough... I am personaly at a loss and I dont have the money to go ask a mechanic to look it over. If any one has any idea what it might be or what I can do let me know

Thanks in advance

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i don't think its an over fueling injector that would be vary rare. My Guess is you missed a vacuum line when you put things back together. You could of also missed plugging in a sensor. Temp sensors can cause this running problem as well. and of course your timing could be off. but best guess is vacuum.

good luck.

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Ok so I went over the vacuum diagrams in my manual and check every vacuum sensor. Then I pulled out the trouble shoot chart in the book and looked up "Rough idle or stalling" (witch it is doing both)

Check Fast Idle speed valve- 0k

Ignition timing- ok

PVC valve air flow- ok

Manifold vacuum- ok

Air filter- ok

Air vent or idle passage- ok

Ignition Coil- ok

Faulty Distributor cap or rotor- ok

after all this it is still sounds like it is not running on all five cylinders. if any one has any ideas on why this is it would be a huge help because I would love to be able to fix this with out haveing to go to a mechanic

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Ok so I went to auto zone because I heard that thy give free diagnostic checks for check engine lights. What the thing told me was that all 5 cylinders were miss firing..... so this leads me to believe that my timing is off by a tooth or two (I feel stupid now) do any of you have any tips on how I can fix this with any lvl of ease or is it going to turn into a long and painful endeavor.

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