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National Meet

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Someone find the links to all our old threads... Kevin and I put a lot of time into coordinating, had 50+ people *confirmed* that they were going, and over the last month beforehand everyone gradually backed out. I also had to back out for a very important business trip.

All it takes is for one or two people to post they can't make it when it gets closer to crunch time, and everyone's nervousness suddenly falls down on them and no one ends up going.

I'd set up a donation paypal account, we had a decent fund available for food/drinks, I had reservations for a couple of pavilions at a park, and it all ended up for nothing. I think finding and reading our threads about the previous serious attempt will give you some insight into whether or not you really think you could undertake something like this. And if you somehow do, what you maybe could do differently. We had a failure analysis thread afterwards and everything.

Good luck.

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its all about people not worrying who's gonna show and who's not. that nervousness kills it every time. people have to be willing to say "screw iit m going no matter what" not including family or work thats understandable. Its also because we're such a small community compared to others. I know 20+ guys who caravaned out of houston to waterfest, VW is big they can pull off that kinda stuff. The last 2 years since i've hosted TX spring break bash its been the exact same time as TX2k, the national supra/viper meet. Houston hosts hundreds of supras and vipers that weekend. Its all about bragging rights with them, so people show up to talk stuff and show who's king.

So, we lack numbers and we lack bragging rights cuz everyone pretty much knows what everyone here is gonna run. nobody is trailering in a 1000hp V70r any time soon. So for us, as an upstart national meeting, we just gotta do it for fun. We gotta do it for the love of the scene, the love of our cars and just have fun. We can't expect huge numbers and a national spot light and corporate sponsors like the other guys. not yet anyways. its a begining and we gotta get people committing. we can't see the future, so we won't know if stuff comes up last minute. but we have to make the commitment of going regardless if the other 20 are going. the few that do show up can prove to the others there are people willing to do this, then evenutally a truly large, offiicial meet will happen. burning gas is understandable, but if u got love for volvos and you want to meet your fellow enthusiasts and this really means something that it just has to happen. I'll be in kansas barring any kind of family emergency or im out of the country on business. if my weekend is open ill be there and if nobody else shows up, well hell i tried, and i held the national meet on my own. thats the kind of attitude everyone needs to have. i know TXC is going and if not then ill be there waving that VSTXC flag on my own, but i know my brothers won't do that to me.

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got into contact with Kansas city raceway and they would be down for helping us do a friday afternoon early night drag strip if people are into that.

we can have the track if more than 35 people are going to show up.

also got into contact with my boy at Kansas city Volvo dealership

who said they would be willing to host the Saturday car show and give us a large lot to park the cars and they say its large enough for 100+

so there are some ideas of places for fun and the show

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Not a bad location. Its where I was born. :P

Im down if I can afford it. I should be able to... its in a year.

People.... I know how lazy some of us can be, you dont even want to go to another part of the state to attend a meet. We have a year to plan, lets make this happen. I want to see no less then 70 cars there.

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caravaning is a good idea, but leads back to that group dependency. o i can't get a caravan together im not going...i say leave it up to who's set on going and call up locals as you go...see where they're at. if people along the route are wating for others to show and last minute they can't make it anymore, it delays the crap out of the people waiting then they decide its not worth going cuz its too late.

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Brian was most likely bored at work and tossed it out there. He missed most of the big meets this year because of school and other things.

I can't see the national meet working. Distance is too great and only a few hardcore people would actually commit to making the trip. Like with everything around here, there is a lot of positive talk about it, but when it is time to act they back out. See it a lot when people try to put together GBs for really expensive stuff.

Also, most of the population is on the coasts, not central. You would actually have a much bigger turn out if you split it into East Coast and West Coast meets. Travel time is reduced so costs are reduced. You will still have people back out at the last second, but that will always happen.

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I think if we dont let this thread die...(pin the thread) - keep making update annoucnements etc... setting things up with the local business over there... we can make this happen. Imagine what kind of boost in advertising it will make for VolvoSpeed and the volvo enthusiast group.

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Arrive Friday afternoon

Drags Friday night until about 9pm. People do whatever you want for bars, food, clubs whatever you want.

Saturday will be dealership car show, raffle, and BBQing. Scenic drive afterwards.

Sunday either do the drive this day or everyone can depart, have another bbq, get effed up then cruise out monday.


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Arive at a house near drag strip.

Get cars ready for track.

Go to track that night.

Eat out.



Wake up next morning.

Wash cars (if needed).

Go to car show at dealer.


Party(get drunk).

Wake up next morning.



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