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Cd Error Message


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My factory 6-CD trunk player (T-5R) is showing "E-01" on the radio screen. No audio manual came w/the car. I was getting E-02 which would turn out to be the CD tray had popped out (as far as the closed sliding door allows). But now, this 01 message = ? What it means to me so far is the CD tray now is stuck in place. What's the remedy? I need my Shins and Zen Guerilla.

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To get a stuck CD holder out, I use a 7 inch thin piece of metal, slide it under the holder and the player, in about 4 inches is a catch that you will release and the holder should pop out. Once it's out look inside to the right and see if a disc is stuck there if not , shuffle the CD and try again.

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Rich, is that catch approx to the right of the up arrow release, almost dead center? I used a 1' wide piece of thin copper strap iron (strap copper?) but after feeling more than one impediment at various places under the holder, I was uncomfortable with exerting X pressure to release a catch I couldn't see. Do you push forward, to the left, or what? Through the window, though, it does appear that a CD is semi-deployed.

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I went out and shot a pic of my set up with the CD holder out, yours might be a little different, there were a couple of models and mine is a new one I picked up with the last on sale through Volvo parts.

The red line is center, and the arrow below the black plastic release indicates the direction you must move the plastic release in order to get the release for the holder to activate. Hope this helps.

I just went out and looked again, I have a Holder from the unit I replaced, I noticed by compairing the two CD holders that the older one has an indentation center of the holder, where as the one above it's off center to the left. I'd suspect yours would be center line at the same depth into the changer.

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D-a-m-n, Rich, this site continues to rock and you are probably 85% of the reason it does. Thank you very much for taking the time to birddog this for me. Armed with your info I did try again but no joy. The partially-deployed CD that can be seen in the window continues to taunt. Maybe it's time to be like that TV spot with Dale Junior and Michael Waltrip in the back seat, Dale jammin' and Michael waving his Bic.

Thanks again, Rich. Mucho appreciated.

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Make sure you have power, there is a small 3 amp fuse that the holder likes to come apart on. The partially stuck CD is the reason I'm thinking maybe the fuse or the holder gave out. I know there isn't much room but try putting something in to help the CD out or in. Total removal and then tear down is also an option.

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