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N00b Question On S80 R Potential


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He sure sounds really smart :monkey: He blames his wasted money and time for the motor, solely because of information he got from people on this board. Anyone who ventures into a motor build with limited knowledge and doesn't do the proper planning by gaining information from MULTIPLE sources, is surely the idiot.

Why in the world would you put time and money into a motor based only on information from a forum, let alone a forum known primarily for 850 and 70-series cars? :blink:

why don't you gimme a call when you get that phd.

in the meantime, try to at least get the content of my post right.

in the text i don't blame the community for spending money, and i'm perfectly happy with the money i spent on this car (which is significantly more than that cash i dropped on the internals for the motor), i wanted nasty bits for my motor and i got them.

my point was that i was irritated that you morons answered questions that you should not have answered, the idiots that claimed to be authorities back then still claim to be authorities, and they still have little real experience.

had the answers been accurate then i wouldn't be saying this, the point is that i asked questions, i was given answers based on people's "experience" and i found that in every case the supposed experts had the specs wrong, easy enough to verify, the point is - if you are going to make stuff up to post so you can sound like less of a peckerhead, then do it in off-topic, don't lie about knowing the "answer" to a question when you just are making an assumption based on what you heard someone else vomit forth on some other useless bs thread.

like i said before, if anyone other than skywriter here on the board had actually done anything with one of these car's i'd listen.

the rest of you guys don't know what you are talking about, if you had known when i was asking questions a year ago then that would be a different story, the point is there is no conclusive answer to the question asked, you're wrong - get over it.

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why don't you gimme a call when you get that phd.

in the meantime, try to at least get the content of my post right.

in the text i don't blame the community for spending money, and i'm perfectly happy with the money i spent on this car (which is significantly more than that cash i dropped on the internals for the motor), i wanted nasty bits for my motor and i got them.

my point was that i was irritated that you morons answered questions that you should not have answered, the idiots that claimed to be authorities back then still claim to be authorities, and they still have little real experience.

had the answers been accurate then i wouldn't be saying this, the point is that i asked questions, i was given answers based on people's "experience" and i found that in every case the supposed experts had the specs wrong, easy enough to verify, the point is - if you are going to make stuff up to post so you can sound like less of a peckerhead, then do it in off-topic, don't lie about knowing the "answer" to a question when you just are making an assumption based on what you heard someone else vomit forth on some other useless bs thread.

like i said before, if anyone other than skywriter here on the board had actually done anything with one of these car's i'd listen.

the rest of you guys don't know what you are talking about, if you had known when i was asking questions a year ago then that would be a different story, the point is there is no conclusive answer to the question asked, you're wrong - get over it.

I am very well educated, however a PHD is not necessary for general common sense. :monkey:

Not 1 of my replies refers to you blaming the people on the board for money wasted on the car, only on the motor.

I read the content of your post as you wrote it, I quote:

i can't tell you how frustrating it was when idiots on this board insisted that my 1.5mm t6 top rings were actually 1.7mm like other whiteblocks, or how many morons asserted that the t6 came with 13c's, and a t3 flange, or some other bull, oh yeah, and the best one was the whole rod thing, i wanted to know if the t6 motor of mine had the same skinny rods as the rest of the whiteblocks (rn motor not included, these have somewhat beefier rods) and everyone answered with a resounding YES ... so i built my motor up with h-beams and such, good to do anyways, but .... turns out the stock ones are not the same as all those 850, and v70 whiteblock motors have, no this motor has the same big ones as the rn motor has ... another bit of time and money misspent because i made the error of actually believing that these retards were posting responses based on actual experience ... had i known i would have not spent all the time and money rebuilding the block and simply done the headwork and dropped it in ... would have been quicker and maybe not AS thorough, but it'd have gotten done 3 months sooner and $2400 cheaper with better rods than you'll find in an 850 turbo motor.

If everything was so easy to verify, then why didn't you? Apparently, it could have saved you 3 months and $2,400.

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I am very well educated, however a PHD is not necessary for general common sense. :monkey:

Not 1 of my replies refers to you blaming the people on the board for money wasted on the car, only on the motor.

I read the content of your post as you wrote it, I quote:

If everything was so easy to verify, then why didn't you? Apparently, it could have saved you 3 months and $2,400.

you are still missing the point.

you are right i should not have whined about the rods, but the point remains, it's anoying that you guys insisted they were the same skinny rods ... when they turned out not to be.

this is about whether or not guys have any real experience with modifying these cars, these ones specifically.

the answer is no.

i was irritated to find that people on this board made claims concerning the specs on the t6 rods, t6 the rings, the t6 turbos, etc. that were innacurate.

if i don't know the answer to a question then i don't make something up just to say something.

if you are opining then do it, but call it what it is, an opinion that is not based on experience modifying the t6 motors or the s80.

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so to sum it all up; volvospeed is the wrong place to go for the S80 or T6 enthusiast. both for lack of authoritative information, copious specious argument, and basic rudeness (but hey, i blame the way you kids were brought up for that, so it's clearly your parents fault on that one).

i won't say i haven't found some useful information here, but it isn't worth much. a lot of the people are great when they're being positive and helpful, but there are too many vocal nitwits that just drag the board down.

so i would recommend TB for T6 expertise, and SS for the S80, and VS for the rockin movie reviews (go grant! :) ), and very well constructed website, with nice presentation. just the content is biased, and the enough contributers evidence enough poor judgment to bring it down.

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so to sum it all up; volvospeed is the wrong place to go for the S80 or T6 enthusiast. both for lack of authoritative information, copious specious argument, and basic rudeness (but hey, i blame the way you kids were brought up for that, so it's clearly your parents fault on that one).

i won't say i haven't found some useful information here, but it isn't worth much. a lot of the people are great when they're being positive and helpful, but there are too many vocal nitwits that just drag the board down.

so i would recommend TB for T6 expertise, and SS for the S80, and VS for the rockin movie reviews (go grant! :) ), and very well constructed website, with nice presentation. just the content is biased, and the enough contributers evidence enough poor judgment to bring it down.

I totally agree on the above statements. Sky, you've always had good sense and knowledge regarding your s80 and/or other s80s. You've always taken the time in the posts i've seen to post something positive and worthwile that actually contributed to the topic instead of taking something away from it. The only thing bad about SS imo is that they don't know much about the T6, at least from the topics i've read. I could be wrong. However, T5bandit always has something negative to say, something critical, something that doesn't even relate to the topic at hand. He discusses topics totally irrelevent to whats at hand, and really stirs the pot. I hope that he and some of the crude others that have bad attittudes on here don't force you or cause you to be against VS. For the past couple of years, for the most part, i've been able to meet some really decent folks such as yourself and others like Jamiacia, tscam1, Chamb T5r, kevin, javadoc, gary, leuvren, btown, rodrigo, slater, mozart, white t5(sean), Juniebunnie, george at viva, toxiclemonade. Sorry for anyone else i've forgotten. It would be a shame if you were detered from this site because of a few bad seeds.

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Always be wary of public forums.

I apologize if I ever implied having any experience with T6 cars, though I think if you are around here consistently it should be pretty apparent my only experience centers around 850s and redblocks. And I generally am rather careful about wording my speculations beyond my experience to be known as such.

To say there's nothing useful here is pretty pompous (or just lashing out from your own frustration?). It is a public forum and a conglomeration of experience and expertise, so for you to withhold your experience and knowledge is a prime example of why there *are* such shortcomings in information on sites like this.

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To say there's nothing useful here is pretty pompous (or just lashing out from your own frustration?). It is a public forum and a conglomeration of experience and expertise, so for you to withhold your experience and knowledge is a prime example of why there *are* such shortcomings in information on sites like this.

i've taken every opportunity to give information on the S80 and the T6, and every modification i've done.

i'm just get sick of find 6 posts that just say "S80's suck" on a new S80 thread before i can give the OP some useful information.

the amount of useful information comment was in the context of the S80 and T6. for the T5, 850, and S70 VS a pretty good site, and I gave it credit for that.

anyway i will continue to help S80 owners the best i can.

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Always be wary of public forums.

I apologize if I ever implied having any experience with T6 cars, though I think if you are around here consistently it should be pretty apparent my only experience centers around 850s and redblocks. And I generally am rather careful about wording my speculations beyond my experience to be known as such.

To say there's nothing useful here is pretty pompous (or just lashing out from your own frustration?). It is a public forum and a conglomeration of experience and expertise, so for you to withhold your experience and knowledge is a prime example of why there *are* such shortcomings in information on sites like this.

With comments like S80's suck, they are stuff, I would never drive one, they are always in the shop, everybody thinks they are crap, why would anybody that has knowledge stick around long enough to give their "knowledge and experience"?

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With comments like S80's suck, they are stuff, I would never drive one, they are always in the shop, everybody thinks they are crap, why would anybody that has knowledge stick around long enough to give their "knowledge and experience"?

Seems they've stuck around long enough to wait for some ill words to be spoken of the S80 in this totally random thread to write page-long defenses of the model. If the time to make those posts was instead spent documenting their projects or positive experiences on the model, the "know-nothings" here might have more to base their opinions off of.

I'd also like to mention that if you look at my showroom threads over the years, and those of other people who document their experiences and projects, there will ALWAYS be un-informed or ill-informed people criticizing that which they know nothing about, regardless of whether it's an S80, a 242, or an 850. It's the internet, anonymous criticism should be expected.

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Seems they've stuck around long enough to wait for some ill words to be spoken of the S80 in this totally random thread to write page-long defenses of the model. If the time to make those posts was instead spent documenting their projects or positive experiences on the model, the "know-nothings" here might have more to base their opinions off of.

I'd also like to mention that if you look at my showroom threads over the years, and those of other people who document their experiences and projects, there will ALWAYS be un-informed or ill-informed people criticizing that which they know nothing about, regardless of whether it's an S80, a 242, or an 850. It's the internet, anonymous criticism should be expected.

Anonymous criticism is expected! Calling someone's car "crap" is not.

You say "If the time to make those posts was instead spent documenting their projects or positive experiences on the model, the "know-nothings" here might have more to base their opinions off of." My car is not a project! I drive my car, it runs good, looks good, and does everything it's supposed to. Why would I start a thread talking about how great my car is, when all the responces would be negative anyway? I sit here and read this board everyday in silence. I have never taken this much of my time up on this board. You would do the same thing if I stared a thread criticising whatever model car you drive.

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You would do the same thing if I stared a thread criticising whatever model car you drive.

I can't speak for Eric, but I know I wouldn't. I know the good and bad things about my car, and am under no illusions on it's shortcomings. If someone simply said "your car sucks", they are obviously clueless and don't deserve any attention or reply. On the other hand, if someone says something like "I hate how your car blows out the RMS all the time and bends rods faster than Grant does men", then we have a start to a meaningful discussion. The idea behind constructive posting is to reward the useful information with a reply and punish the crap by ignoring it.

For the S80, I won't lie, I've never driven one or worked on one, but there are some things that you can't argue, like the T6's transmission having an abnormally high failure rate. Obviously, there are gonna be people who get good cars, and bad cars, but when there is a trend towards the bad that sticks out, you know something is wrong. Accept it and move on.

Plus, this is volvospeed. People here love their 850/70's, end of story. Consider it a friendly competition if you will, between the RWD and newer FWD forums that shall go unnamed B) If you really do take offense to someone calling your Volvo 'crap'.... :lol:

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....utterly useless thread...can i have my 15 minutes back?

S80 awesome car love it had one for a very short while, now everyone slow down and get some reading comprehension in...T6 is the SUCKS!!! why? cuz in the very short time i had one, both turbos crapped on themselves and tranny basically let go of itself. its gremlins inheirent in almost all 99 T6's. Mogatu'r had an 04 XC90 T6. again XC90 fan-freaking-tastic car. T6 ruined the entire experience, car picked up at 13k by 25k the motor, and drivetrain parts had all been replace over a 1 year period. He spent more time in a loaner then he did in the car itself. I have similar stories for a handful of other T6 owners locally. S80 is a crap shoot, some of you guys are lucky and have bugless anomolies, don't mind what other ppl are saying. I wanted to build a sleeved twin turbo t6 back in the day, ode to japanese super cars swedish style. straight 6 twin turbo, how could i go wrong? simple...the car was a POS.

Now comparing 850 and S80 thats just retarded, your talking oranges and bananas. 850's over a decade old, they're in the shop for routine maintence and up keep. Problems stem from lack of service not factory defects. And how many thousands of 850's are in existence and how many S80's are? S80's release was in 99 it hasn't even hit a decade yet...so you guys can stop that debate there. More S80's with under 50k have seen shop time then 850's over 150k with factory defect issues. You're argument is a tech can't talk cuz they only see bad cars...thats complete bull, a tech is a beacon on the reliability of any vehicle because they see consistent issues that span an entire production line. Obviously we all have love for our choosen cars, its why we choose them. But you'll hear ppl bash 850/x70's N/A and get a Turbo model just as much. So get over yourselves you're not getting bullied and you're not special. You're as hard headed as the rest of the bafoons on this board. Deal with it.

To the OP, do your research on S60R's cool cars but if your pocket must be prepared to take finacial beatings due to the AWD system and all the issues it entails. Also don't bother with an auto please plase if you get one do the 6spd... autotragic makes you hate life when a 850R can leave you off the line, but then again a R clutch job runs $1700 so maybe not...its an issue of whether or not u you handle maintaining such a high end vehicle.

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