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N00b Question On S80 R Potential


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you're a grease monkey; OF COURSE you see the crappy ones. the good ones are on the road. my mechanic sees more 850s than anything else, so what? a sample of TWO is hardly a statistically significant sample.

now if a real degreed automotive engineer with 10 years experience did an analysis then that would be something. this is just anonymous internet crap talk. like THAT has ever been proven authoritative.

Grease monkey? How many ASE certified grease monkeys do you know? You ever work on any of these? Replaced a trans on one? I didn't think so.

Speak not of which you know nothing.

Dont forget about those great t6 xc90's too :lol:

Same thing except for the 90 is a better built car with the exception of the trans.

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I can't speak for Eric, but I know I wouldn't. I know the good and bad things about my car, and am under no illusions on it's shortcomings. If someone simply said "your car sucks", they are obviously clueless and don't deserve any attention or reply. On the other hand, if someone says something like "I hate how your car blows out the RMS all the time and bends rods faster than Grant does men", then we have a start to a meaningful discussion. The idea behind constructive posting is to reward the useful information with a reply and punish the crap by ignoring it.

For the S80, I won't lie, I've never driven one or worked on one, but there are some things that you can't argue, like the T6's transmission having an abnormally high failure rate. Obviously, there are gonna be people who get good cars, and bad cars, but when there is a trend towards the bad that sticks out, you know something is wrong. Accept it and move on.

Plus, this is volvospeed. People here love their 850/70's, end of story. Consider it a friendly competition if you will, between the RWD and newer FWD forums that shall go unnamed B) If you really do take offense to someone calling your Volvo 'crap'.... :lol:

WTF!..........since you know me so well, when was the last time I got laid?, wait.........you can answer that after your suspension ;)

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....utterly useless thread...can i have my 15 minutes back?

S80 awesome car love it had one for a very short while, now everyone slow down and get some reading comprehension in...T6 is the SUCKS!!! why? cuz in the very short time i had one, both turbos crapped on themselves and tranny basically let go of itself. its gremlins inheirent in almost all 99 T6's. Mogatu'r had an 04 XC90 T6. again XC90 fan-freaking-tastic car. T6 ruined the entire experience, car picked up at 13k by 25k the motor, and drivetrain parts had all been replace over a 1 year period. He spent more time in a loaner then he did in the car itself. I have similar stories for a handful of other T6 owners locally. S80 is a crap shoot, some of you guys are lucky and have bugless anomolies, don't mind what other ppl are saying. I wanted to build a sleeved twin turbo t6 back in the day, ode to japanese super cars swedish style. straight 6 twin turbo, how could i go wrong? simple...the car was a POS.

Now comparing 850 and S80 thats just retarded, your talking oranges and bananas. 850's over a decade old, they're in the shop for routine maintence and up keep. Problems stem from lack of service not factory defects. And how many thousands of 850's are in existence and how many S80's are? S80's release was in 99 it hasn't even hit a decade yet...so you guys can stop that debate there. More S80's with under 50k have seen shop time then 850's over 150k with factory defect issues. You're argument is a tech can't talk cuz they only see bad cars...thats complete bull, a tech is a beacon on the reliability of any vehicle because they see consistent issues that span an entire production line. Obviously we all have love for our choosen cars, its why we choose them. But you'll hear ppl bash 850/x70's N/A and get a Turbo model just as much. So get over yourselves you're not getting bullied and you're not special. You're as hard headed as the rest of the bafoons on this board. Deal with it.

To the OP, do your research on S60R's cool cars but if your pocket must be prepared to take finacial beatings due to the AWD system and all the issues it entails. Also don't bother with an auto please plase if you get one do the 6spd... Look at me, I think I am witty makes you hate life when a 850R can leave you off the line, but then again a R clutch job runs $1700 so maybe not...its an issue of whether or not u you handle maintaining such a high end vehicle.

So because you had a bad T6, they all suck?

My point is, it just gets very old hearing nothing but negative comments whenever an S80 is brought up. You can't tell me that if everytime someone said 850/S70 and I instantly wrote what a piece of crap they are, you wouldn't get tired of it. Again this is not just the case with my S80, but also with my V40.

Another thing. I was certainly not comparing the 850 to the S80! I was just trying to make a point.

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QUOTE (Plan_B @ Nov 26 2007, 04:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
WTF!..........since you know me so well, when was the last time I got laid?, wait.........you can answer that after your suspension ;)

beats me :lol: they bend rods with a 19T more often than i get laid, that's for sure :arob:

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So because you had a bad T6, they all suck?

My point is, it just gets very old hearing nothing but negative comments whenever an S80 is brought up. You can't tell me that if everytime someone said 850/S70 and I instantly wrote what a piece of crap they are, you wouldn't get tired of it. Again this is not just the case with my S80, but also with my V40.

Another thing. I was certainly not comparing the 850 to the S80! I was just trying to make a point.

So, you would like some


with your


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The new S80 V8 hasn't fallen into that price range used yet, but it will easily outrun any S4 or Evo*. It will also outhandle them both with minor upgrades**. I actually drove one of the S80 V8s recently and found it was much faster than a BMW M6.***

* After removal of the competing cars engine.

** If it's actually a Toyota Tercel with a S4 or Evo badge. Hell it will probably outhandle a tercel with S4 AND evo badges.

*** The M6 was in "park" during the race. The S80 V8 was in reverse backing out of the adjacent parking space.

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The new S80 V8 hasn't fallen into that price range used yet, but it will easily outrun any S4 or Evo*. It will also outhandle them both with minor upgrades**.

* After removal of the competing cars engine.

** If it's actually a Toyota Tercel with a S4 or Evo badge. Hell it will probably outhandle a tercel with S4 AND evo badges.

Talk about a useless post!

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So because you had a bad T6, they all suck?

My point is, it just gets very old hearing nothing but negative comments whenever an S80 is brought up. You can't tell me that if everytime someone said 850/S70 and I instantly wrote what a piece of crap they are, you wouldn't get tired of it. Again this is not just the case with my S80, but also with my V40.

Another thing. I was certainly not comparing the 850 to the S80! I was just trying to make a point.

I wouldn't get tired of it, 850 and S/V70s do suck! :lol: Apparently, from what everyone is saying, just not as bad as the S80. :lol:

In all seriousness....all cars suck in their own right, under differing circumstances, and based on different opinions. You KNOW you are on a primarily 850/70 series forum complaining about this. Learn to relax a bit and take the opinions with a grain of salt, it is just a damn forum. If you like your car, then great as that is all that matters. If you truly have a problem with the forum or its content, then simply don't come here. There is no great Volvo god forcing you to come to this site.

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So because you had a bad T6, they all suck?

They do suck, regardless of who had a bad one and whose worked perfectly all the time. They handle horribly - they are clumsy and fat. The power they have can hardly be put to the road with a stock setup - I could spin the tires out at 65mph in that car even with perfect condition top of the line pirelli tires. They were built to a low standard of quality for a car of it's own price - everything feels like plastic and the leather is vastly inferior to the leather used in the newer models. Things tend to "fall apart" and become "loose" rather quickly compared to all the other Volvos I've driven. This may be related to how many times things needed to be taken apart to fix electrical problems, however.

They also tend to have more problems than any of the I5 or NA I6 Volvos if you believe the interwebs. Volvo techs can speak up to how many T6 they've actually seen with terrible problems. Personally, I never had anything other than electrical glitches. These problems are pretty much the same as you can expect in any newer model Audi, Volvo, or other vehicle that uses advanced electrical networks and computerized controllers. The percentage of Volvo S80 T6s which have problems more than this are probably pretty close to the percentage of Audi S models that have major maintenance problems. So this completely knocks out the idea of getting an S80 T6 to have something more reliable than an S4.

For what it's worth, I'd rather tune my XC70 than any S80 T6.

Don't get an S80 T6 and tune it unless nothing else will satisfy you.

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