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Peolple Suck, Cowardly Act In The Dark,

Pops Racer

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Called Police, they came, usual response, prolly can't do stuff about it, won't catch oh yeah!-punk that did it, call ya if we hear anything...

Same thing happened to my car, except on my passenger side mirror, I even knew who did it, but since the kid was a minor he could say he didn't do it and get away with it. Had a few of my buddies out looking for him that night with no luck. He's in juvee right now though for calling in two bomb threats to the school, so I guess that's somewhat of a sweet revenge.

That really sucks though, hope that if you ever catch the guy who did it you can beat the stuff out of him. You should get full coverage that includes vandalism if you don't have it already. I'm doing that on my car soon, since I have to drive through West York everyday.

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What happens with the washer nozzle and the wiper shaft? $500 bucks, half a CJ DP. I was having such a good weekend too.

The wiper and nozzle aren't too hard to remove, but I guess you already figured that out. The rear window replacement for the mercedes was something like $700 bucks, including labor; but it didn't matter cause we didn't have to pay for it :D

I used a small shop vac to gather all the glass shards; I guess you got pretty much all of it out; but for those tough to reach places, a vacuum really helps.

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I'll know tomorrow about my coverage. I wouldn't waste my time slapping them around if I knew who it was, I'd leave that to sons, 6'4" 240lbs, and 6'0" 260lbs! I would much more enjoy dragging the piss-ant infront of their parents and starting that civil war. I may have to modify my insurance to reflect my cars value to me. They only see it as a car worth $4500, and extra coverage ain't cheap. I am all over Car-Parts.com. I found an R tailgate with spoiler, waiting for reply from boneyard.

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Damn that really sucks, I know exactly how it feels, except they grabbed my ipod while they were at it.

I have comp, so I had JN Phillips take care of it...man THEY SUCK! Left glass all over the car, the window screeches like nails on a chalkboard and they didn't even give me a receipt like they said they did.

Good luck with the insurance company.

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why'd it get broken? did they steal something or was it just random vandalism?

before i got my 850 i had an older dodge station wagon which got broken into to steal my subs and amp. effing sucked waking up to that mess, and the cops wouldn't even bother to come out to file a report, i was told i would have to go to the police station and file a report myself! WOW.

plus I fricken built+upholstered the sub box myself, a real beauty, so i had some sentimental loss too. gar.

anyways, thats why after i got my 850 the first thing i did was put in python's top of the line alarm on it! 2-way paging is the shazz.

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Well, the good news is I got coverage, and my rates won't go up. :D The bad news is if I make a claim , I can't get discount premiums. More criminals. Thanks for the support.

By the way that bumper cover story is hilarious and not so funny. I gotta tell you tho, I shipped a bumper cover by Greyhound bus from CT to Cali for $55! Check it out, it's the best deal in freight for bulky shize. No stuff swiped. It was a drive by, my road is relatively well traveled and car was ass out 15' from the road. Happened between 11p and 1a. I cleaned it all up. Insurance co. has a prefered vendor with a 1000% guarantee so if they screw it up I now who to kill, :rolleyes: I mean who to call. I've gotten quotes from $750 to $1230, can you believe it? I better get ginyouwine Volvo glass too, mofo. I feel a plan hatching...

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this stinks sean worse than a dry shave.

oh by the way i'm sitting in a hotel in windsor locks pissed off like crazy. usair lost my samples i needed for work tomorrow. i had two different major delays today also.

if i start drinking i wont stop. flipping steelers look like crap too. maybe i'm going drinking.


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this stinks sean worse than a dry shave.

oh by the way i'm sitting in a hotel in windsor locks pissed off like crazy. usair lost my samples i needed for work tomorrow. i had two different major delays today also.

if i start drinking i wont stop. flipping steelers look like crap too. maybe i'm going drinking.


You cocker!! I can be there in 45 minutes!! I gotta get you my cell #, I was working up in Glastonbury today too! Coulda got wacked with ya. Whats your schedule tomorrow? I'm up that way in the PM. Hey at least your not a Uconn And Giants football fan. Talk about blood baths. I think I'll start rooting for the Cowboys...NOT. Be glad your not flying, fog is brutal tonight.

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