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Nwc December Meet

The Stig

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Well, quality and not quantity is what's important. If it's myself, Carson, Jake, George, and Jeremy, so be it. Numbers be damned, the original NWC crew lives on.

If anyone wants to hitch a ride from Vancouver or meet up prior to going down, hit me up on PM. But I'm not holding my breath on that one... :P


No offense Peter. :)

None taken, I'm beginning to see a definite trend.. <_<

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Low attendance is because of a few factors. Just like Danny has said, the proximity to Holidays is going to be a big one. Also, the meet plans in the past have started a month out; this one has only been a few weeks. Finally, winter meets are usually lower attendance. It might have helped if this was cross posted on TB.

Honestly, I couldn't care less about attendance. No one's obligated to come just because they're part of the NWC. It's a free country (well, Canada is ;) ). I just thought I'd organize a nice casual meet in December for those who don't have anything planned and can make it. Gives a nice excuse to drive around for a few hours and share some food and good company.

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What part of the lot will gathering occur? Costo and the sporting goods shops will be Zoo's. I believe there is a bank in the lot close to the south corner of Aurora and 205.

Also if anyone has kids with them McFinsters is not the best of places. It's mainly a sports bar. My sportbike club meets there every Tuesday.

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Well, I'm looking out the window where I live and it's all clear so far. :)

I'm about to give the T5 it's first bath since I bought it... which was well over a month ago :lol:

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Ugh, I don't want to think what the border will be like tomorrow morning. I'll have to be there around 7ish to make it down for 11, I bet.

Or put some carbon fiber fenders on it!!!! :lol:


Danny, that looks cool! Thanks! Imagine the top half of the car carbon fiber, and the bottom red.

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Just got off the phone with Peter, he is currently trapped in a gas station up in Canada due to an instant white out/snow storm. He can't go home, or pass through until the weather clears and other people drive over the snow... Anyone else coming down from Canada, if you haven't left, don't bother :(

He is going to call me with updates as he has them! I'm still planning on the meet and Whirleyball, so don't think it's over!

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