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Pcv Remote Collaboration


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Here's my idea:

I have a replacement PCV kit in hand and have a base knowledge of the procedure from reading the forum topics and looking over my Haynes manual. For me what's lacking is one comprehensive guide to the steps involved for a novice like me to tackle this job.

I was planning on documenting the procedure as I work through it but never having done this before I may end up with nothing really beneficial to the volvospeed community.

So that got me wondering if there's someone out there that's got the expertise and time and would like to work together remotely.


I'm good with a camera and can post images throughout the process so we can work together.

I've got days to do this - kids are home from college so there's extra transportation, I'm off until after New Years.

Don't mind if I have to run out and buy a part or tool or clamp (I do not currently own a torque wrench).


Know this procedure inside and out – what works well, what to avoid, etc.

Willing to look at pictures I send and help build the step by step writeup.

Patience and time.

That's my idea I figure the end result could be a useful reference guide that I don't mind writing up and posting.

Let me know if you're interested and we can work out the best back and forth communication method.



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Here's my idea:

I have a replacement PCV kit in hand and have a base knowledge of the procedure from reading the forum topics and looking over my Haynes manual. For me what's lacking is one comprehensive guide to the steps involved for a novice like me to tackle this job.

I was planning on documenting the procedure as I work through it but never having done this before I may end up with nothing really beneficial to the volvospeed community.

So that got me wondering if there's someone out there that's got the expertise and time and would like to work together remotely.


I'm good with a camera and can post images throughout the process so we can work together.

I've got days to do this - kids are home from college so there's extra transportation, I'm off until after New Years.

Don't mind if I have to run out and buy a part or tool or clamp (I do not currently own a torque wrench).


Know this procedure inside and out – what works well, what to avoid, etc.

Willing to look at pictures I send and help build the step by step writeup.

Patience and time.

That's my idea I figure the end result could be a useful reference guide that I don't mind writing up and posting.

Let me know if you're interested and we can work out the best back and forth communication method.



Not to talk you out of what could be a helpful HowTo, but its already been done on quite of few occasions with photos. Look around on this sites search and other Volvo forums. Go for it if you're into it though.

http://volvospeed.com/vs_forum/index.php?showtopic=29650 One with just photos, no writeup. But its pretty self-explainatory.

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http://volvospeed.com/vs_forum/index.php?showtopic=29650 One with just photos, no writeup. But its pretty self-explainatory.

I remember when that post had images, they seem to be gone now.

Likewise I find other topics that cover bits and pieces of the process, I'm just looking to produce something that's more comprehensive. One that answers questions like how to relieve the fuel pressure, leave injectors in place or remove them, same with the throttle body. Oetiker clamps or worm style.

I'm hoping to find someone that's worked through the process enough times that knows the ins and outs as to what works and why.

I'll write it up and perhaps it will help someone like me that's never worked through the process and has the same questions.

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there are many different ways to tackle the job, like injectors staying in, throttle body staying on ect, basically i did what was easiest for me, i took the chance to thoroughly clean the throttle body so i took it entirely off, i also removed the fuel injectors its what makes it easier for you when your doing it. as for the worm style vs, oetiker clamps, theres a reason volvo uses oetiker clamps on the pcv system, and that is that over time worm style have the potential to loosen, and on something like the pcv system you do not want to have to go back and remove the intake maifold just to tighten a stupid clamp a half turn, if you search through some dicussions you will find people had the worm style leak on top of the oil trap, just make sure you have all the right tools, such as the oetiker pliers

but by all means make a write up, lax's pictures are all gone so atleast host some pictures for us i found this http://www.volvoforums.org.uk/showthread.p...highlight=boost and it was enough for me to do the pcv job

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I remember when that post had images, they seem to be gone now.

Likewise I find other topics that cover bits and pieces of the process, I'm just looking to produce something that's more comprehensive. One that answers questions like how to relieve the fuel pressure, leave injectors in place or remove them, same with the throttle body. Oetiker clamps or worm style.

I'm hoping to find someone that's worked through the process enough times that knows the ins and outs as to what works and why.

I'll write it up and perhaps it will help someone like me that's never worked through the process and has the same questions.

I've done it and can help you if you have questions, I've helped several others through the process who were midjob.

As far as relieving Fuel Pressure and all that jazz, its all in the manuals (Haynes/Chiltons) and on this forum (the questions and discussions on the oetiker vs worm clamps etc has been widely discussed.

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I know it's all been discussed I've been reading the numerous threads about this procedure.

What I'd like to do is consolidate the instructions by putting it together for the next guy that's looking to do this with the assistance of someone that's done this enough times to know what works best and what doesn't.

Here's an example:

Relieve the fuel pressure.

1) The Haynes manual says to disconnect the harness connector from the fuel pump/sending unit, start the engine and let it run out of gas.

2) I've read on this forum to pull the fuel pump relay, crank the car to make sure there is no pressure left.

3) I've read on this forum to just depress the schrader valve on the end of the fuel rail and let it drain.

Three procedures that I'm sure all work, the problem is I've never done any of them and wouldn't have a clue as to why I would pick one over the other.

Now if I can find a person that's done this enough times to know what works and doesn't from experience then I'm no longer guessing. I put this in a write-up with photos then the next guy like me isn't guessing.

Ironically enough there's this thread which is exactly why I'm trying to do this.


Anyone game? How 'bout you Oreowned??

Anyway that's my idea. I figure to start this in the morning with or without someone looking on.

I've recruited my daughter to take pictures as I go along so at least I can have a good documentation of the process.

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I know it's all been discussed I've been reading the numerous threads about this procedure.

What I'd like to do is consolidate the instructions by putting it together for the next guy that's looking to do this with the assistance of someone that's done this enough times to know what works best and what doesn't.

Here's an example:

Relieve the fuel pressure.

1) The Haynes manual says to disconnect the harness connector from the fuel pump/sending unit, start the engine and let it run out of gas.

2) I've read on this forum to pull the fuel pump relay, crank the car to make sure there is no pressure left.

3) I've read on this forum to just depress the schrader valve on the end of the fuel rail and let it drain.

Three procedures that I'm sure all work, the problem is I've never done any of them and wouldn't have a clue as to why I would pick one over the other.

Now if I can find a person that's done this enough times to know what works and doesn't from experience then I'm no longer guessing. I put this in a write-up with photos then the next guy like me isn't guessing.

Ironically enough there's this thread which is exactly why I'm trying to do this.


Anyone game? How 'bout you Oreowned??

Anyway that's my idea. I figure to start this in the morning with or without someone looking on.

I've recruited my daughter to take pictures as I go along so at least I can have a good documentation of the process.

You're right, any one of those methods will work. So I'm not sure why there'd be guessing.

Obviously relieving pressure through the valve will be the guaranteed visual method of relieving any last bits of pressure.

Like I said, it all seems pretty plain and simple between the two manuals and whats already on this site, but do it up if you have that mission. If you have specific questions PM me. I usually check it a few times a day.

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I just ordered my PCV kit from FCP, ive read a great majority of the write up and i find it slightly difficult to grasp, would be very interested in this write and would like to help out once my parts are received so people like me who have no clue what to do can just follow some very well displayed and clear instructions to what seems like a not so complicated procedure.

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I'm not your reference guy, but I've done this job and while I agree it is straightforward, it is also long and potentially confusing the first time. For as much as everyone here says "PCV service is a must" (and it is!), it is ridiculous that there is no complete writeup for the job.

There is a clear need for a good writeup with photos and this site would be a great place to put it. Do it up.

My little bit of advice: you are taking off a lot of stuff, put things in labeled baggies as you go, even write bolt size etc and whether you take it out from above or below, makes it super easy to put back together.

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Here are some notes I had written up on PCV job

PCV Notes

Also I have done some research on this myself and have posted into anumber of these discussions. I found that if you go into the most intense search items (advanced search, more options) and search by my user name, gilhuly and the search term "manifold" you will find most of the good tutorials etc that have been done in the last couple years.

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