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A Sample Taste Of My Upcoming Video Products :)


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here is a small sample of the upcoming video products i plan to introduce...a few key notes about this line up:

1. the primary focus for us in the beginning is high quality video display. meaning our screens will be bright, non pixalated, and will not wash out when viewed from a side angle. the video display quality will rival those from top name manufactures, such as sony, pioneer, panasonic and alpine. we have done a few direct comparisons with some of these monitors and we can say our products stack up well. some screens may have better resolution, but our screens would in most times have better side angle viewing capabilities.

2. Initially, we will focus primarily on screens, meaning they wont have many features, such as built in dvd players, fm modulators, etc etc. the reason for this is that one, we dont quite have the money or the expertise to develop more complicated products, and two, there are a lot of these more feature packed units around...and our competitive advantage is instead centered on high quality screens :)

3. every thing will hold a one year warranty, and unlike most brands, most of our products will be avaialbe in different colors, black, tan, dark grey and light grey maybe the logical choices.

now, the three products i am going to show yall are three lines that I think will sell the best, they each offer very high quality lcd screens, combined with nice touches...:)

1. 7" motorized flip out monitor. just a raw monitor, no dvd player built in, no audio output, just two sets of video inputs. the motorization gears are real metal gears, unlike cheap plastic ones found on lower line stuff from other brands. the motorization motion is quite smooth. the intention of this unit is, couple it with a nice dvd headunit (for example JVC sells a nice dvd/mp3/cd/cdr headunit around 400 retail that has excellent audio and video output quality), and you have a in dash package that has video and audio playback equal to, if not just as good the best all in one units from alpine, pioneer and panasonic, while costing much, much less. of course a double din dash helps ;)


retail on the units in the upper $400 range, with a VS price of perhaps 30-40 percent less ;)

2. 8" celing mount motorized flip down screen. again just a screen. built in dome lights, clock and a nice motorization feature with metal gearing so its more durable. We will have the usual array of manual flip downs...but i am showing this one becuase motorized flip downs have not been as common. many companies stayed away after their plastic gear mechs thave a tendency to break after one or two jams...


retail on the unit is in the mid to low $600 range, but VS prices could be lower by as much as 40-50 percent ;)

3. this is a product i personally REALLY like. replacement visors with built in lcd screen, we will have a 6" 7" and this one i am showing is a 7.6" wide screen. the universal adapter will fit almost ANY car that has the usual single attachment with rod style of attachment method. The attachmen points are adjustable and you get a replacement rod pincher so you can secure this new visor. still fully functional as a sun visor. in the past, when trying to stuff video screens into the visor, you are limted in depth and size, and you end up having to do a lot of work, and end up with something htat doesnt look very clean. and the cusotm ends up paying more in labor. with these units, installation takes an hour or so, and its guranteed to look clean. again, these units will come in a variety of colors to match...i am planning on throwing a set of 7.6" wide screens in my car soon ;) oh and they come of course for hte driver and passenger side visors ;)


retail pricing will range from upper 300 dollar range (for one) on the 6.5, to upper 400 dollar range for a 7.6, and VS pricing will be 30-40 percent or so less ;)



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Guest UnsanePyro

Arg! I want to test them all :(

How about this, you send me all 3, and I report back and tell you which one I like best, with writeups and stuff, and then I send back the two I don't like :)

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the visors have dual videp inputs, so you can do switching between two sources. as for audio inputs, we dont plan to have any audio inputs on any of our screens at this time, since we dont plan to have them carry any fm modulators or anything. :)

but yeah, basically every screen we have will have the dual video inputs...:)


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Bing...some nice stuff and darn good discount for us VS guys

I like the idea of the motorized flip down screen...just mount that in place of the rear view with a camera in the rear and you are set

the visor tvs are cool also...widescreen here we come

what kind of colors are available for the visor and flip down...cause for the tan/beige internet we would need something lighter

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we have a line of the usual raw screens that can be used to mount int he head rest, ranging from 5.6 to 7", prices ranging from lower 200 dolalr range to upper 300 dollar range, and of course a discount for vs people. same good quality screen image :)

but like chris said, i am not a big fan of head rest screens...main reason is , one , you cant fit a very big one in there usually, two, it takes a lot of work and most places cant do it very cleanly, and three, its a theft magnet. i would much rahter have dual over head flip down 8" hehe, ;)

as for color, we will offer initially the most common colors of tan (some what different than the shade int he picture), black, light grey and dark grey. but remember this, if you want it in ta differnt color, just dye it to match your car exactly ;)


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Those are f'in nice. Lovin it all. Would def be down for a group on some visors and in dash flip out. If not im buyin some stuff anyways those are great prices for what looks like some quality car entertainment. And the VS discount is f'in wonderful. Your awesome. :D Much repsect to you for pulling off your own car video product line.

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thanks for your support :) I will definetly post more info, perhaps a compete catalogue wiht group buy pricing when things get closer to the prodcut launch.

we were fortunate that on our first try, we hooked up with a manufacture that produces good quality screens, whcih in myopinion is the core of a mobile video lineup, i would rahter have a great screen that looks sharp and wont washout when I look at it from the side, rather than a lots of features with a bad screen...

so...of course we are still starting up so there may be quirks and issues with certain aspects of hte product, but we will work with our desinger to come up with better stuff :) we will be a brand name designed for the consumer, rather than tailored to make the manufactures as much money as possible ;)


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