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850 Totalled What To Do?

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So my brother was driving home the other day and a drunk driver in a Lincoln Navigator side swiped him. Plus the drunk driver didn't have insurance. It didn't look so bad when i checked the car out, but his insurance said it's a total. They said 4300$ in damages, but the car is only worth 3800$. So now i need to find him a replacement for his 96 850 NON Turbo (Think GLE/GLT and 197,000 miles, Green) Any suggestions on what he can get for around 4000$? Anyone in Chicago interested in selling theirs? :)



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So now i need to find him a replacement for his 96 850 NON Turbo (Think GLE/GLT and 197,000 miles, Green)

What, were you the drunk driver? :D

If he wants to stay in the Volvo family, $4k would get him approximately what he had or maybe a little better if he spent the time to shop around. For another one or two grand, he would be able to get a pretty nice 98-99 S70 turbo with leather.

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So my brother was driving home the other day and a drunk driver in a Lincoln Navigator side swiped him. Plus the drunk driver didn't have insurance. It didn't look so bad when i checked the car out, but his insurance said it's a total. They said 4300$ in damages, but the car is only worth 3800$. So now i need to find him a replacement for his 96 850 NON Turbo (Think GLE/GLT and 197,000 miles, Green) Any suggestions on what he can get for around 4000$? Anyone in Chicago interested in selling theirs? :)




theres more out there, i was recently looking for a S70 T5 or a 850 Turbo, but decided to give up and just improve my base model S70. recommend 98 if you want a S70.

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Chicago Craigslist.org is good. I just put a search for Volvo, not dealer, and save it in my favorites. Pick cars from the suburbs, they usually have less damage. And a 1998 S70 GLT or T5 will really be nicer than an 850.

Beware of Craigslist items that have been out there for more than a week. They are probably not a bargain. And stay away from dealers/brokers.

Look for a car with maint records, of course.

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If it is not too bad, buy it from the insurance company and replace the doors, fenders, etc. There should be some pick&pulls around Chicago. They might even have an 850 with the right color! A salvage yard has them in any color you want.


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