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Pops Racer

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What happened ladies, lose your pay check on the Pack? No body blows the giants out , Travis. Lets see, toughest game pats played-Giants. I'm tired of the band wagon for the Pats. Brady is a whining pussy when things go wrong and Belichek is the most unlikeable, emotion-less ass hole in football. My team was supposed to go 8-8. So Pats are supposed to win and probably will, but they will know they are in a ballgame. No matter what happens I've already won !!! Nothing can happen in that game that will bring me down. Bottom line? My team is playing and the rest of your teams, save the real Pats fans, are golfing or fishing, or crying in their beers!!! It's easy to root for an 18- 0 time, real gutty that, why don't some of you nut-up and back a team with some personality and the underdog fight!! Boo-hoo Packers fans and Giant haters! See you in Glendale! Neener, neener, neeener...

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Not going to happen. They were lucky last time that it was close.

They where lucky? Pats D blows. Corner back had pulled an ab muscle when they went to Moss, couldn't get a sub in in time. Thats lucky. Oh yeah, Tony your from Quohaug or someplace in RI, huh? Thats why they play the game. If Giants win it will be monumental, if Pats win, ho-hum who cares. :lol:

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nope, got my airline tickets, got my place to stay. bringing a bunch of cash. i'm going no matter what so i'll just hang out before the game and even if i don't get in the bars will be blast.

Have a good time Mike. Don't forget your sun screen, whitey. :P Want me to send you a Giants T-shirt? :D

I'm still hammered...

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I'm a cubs fan ;)

and i don't follow football all that much, i can't stand manning (either of them) I have a lot of respect for Farve, many of my friends have been Pats fans for quite some time so i was kind of sucked into it but i can honestly say I don't have a team I solidly support, but due to other fans of certain teams I have some I can't stand...Stealers, Giants and Jets being 3 off the top of my head

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I'm a cubs fan ;)

and i don't follow football all that much, i can't stand manning (either of them) I have a lot of respect for Farve, many of my friends have been Pats fans for quite some time so i was kind of sucked into it but i can honestly say I don't have a team I solidly support, but due to other fans of certain teams I have some I can't stand...Stealers, Giants and Jets being 3 off the top of my head

Yeah I guess I feel the same about other teams like that because of their fans(Red Sox, Yanks, Raiders). Yeah throw in Steelers also!!(Not Mike!?)I almost feel sorry for Jets fans, no home, no team. I guess I've been pretty obnoxious today. I'm usually very subdued before and during games, I really don't talk smack, but you gotta admit I've been enduring a lot of frustrating football for the last couple of years. I've been willing to give Manning a break, but I can't stand HIS awe shucks puss after a booboo. By the way, just for more perspective Cubs Fan( I feel your frustration, by the way), I root for the Mets, Rangers, and Knicks. Put that all together and you can see why I'm so goofy about this win. Sports is just that, sports, not life and death. It's fun!!! Yeah, Farve is a throw back kinda guy, old school, I like him a lot also. I've got a spot in my heart for the Packers. The first football book I read was written by Jerry Kramer, Packer guard during Lombardi era. Plus Lombardi was a NY guy (Brooklyn), and Giants assistant coach. I'm reading a book about him know. I also love the concept that the fans in G.B. own part of the team with their season tickets. They actually get a bit of a say in team operations.

25 days till pitchers and catchers!

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