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1996 854r Rolled


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Would love to buy the interior and possibly the volans if you decide to buy it from the insurance company.


Sounds like you're set, he said earlier that he did not have that kind of coverage on it. He pretty much owns what's left of the car.

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i fliped my baby doing about 83mph, went right on the roof and started sliding front first into a bunch of seagrape bushes, kinda acted like a pillow for us. the body is trashed but the engine and everything else is salvageable. Does anyone know price range on 96R motor with 95k, and is there a market for it?

This is a time of great sadness for I.

+1 Glad you's are all, OK, 2 bad, nice car.

Yeah good thing u were in a volvo , In a rollover i know local cars made here (ie holden) the roof just caves in! You guys get them over there too pontiac gto the coupe, basically same car.

TRUE, hey another Aussie, oi,oi,oi. SYDNEY?

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looks like im going to be buying a 96-98 850 or s70 and doing a swap of parts, quick question i was told that a 5 speed on a n/a will not work with my engine? found a 96 850 5-speed, just making sure it will work be4 i throw down some money, also about parts people pm me about, i havent forgotten about you, will be in contact as soon as swap begins

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