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A Coupla Real Life Pics Of Our Video Line


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hey gang,

had some down time today and mounted some of our upcoming video products into our sound board, and took some pics...curently, all we have room for is the in dash flip out, and the sun visor, both of these shown feature 7" wide screens. took them about 4 in the afternoon so lighting wasnt so great, and the visor was forced to be facing upward a little due to a bigger screen already mounted below it on the same display (we will remedy that tommorow), so the lighting effect wasnt so great...

but anyway, they show the brightness of hte screens, the clarity, and most important of all, no inverted color effect even when viewed from extreme off angles. :)







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the flip down pics should be coming shortly hehe, we have to find a place for it, if you think about it, a flip down is usually not int he space alotted in a verticle sound board ;) and our other flipdown display is current occupied but we are going to put it up hopefully before the end of this week. :)


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