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My New To Me Car

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I would have loved a fastback. But I always wanted to get a convertible, and for the condition it was in I couldn't pass on a $1000 deal. I really like the looks when the tops down.

It's dirty as hell in the inside, but I'm bearing through the wind and cold to make it look good for my dad to see it tonight.

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I would, but I really do like the convertible. The only thing I don't like is the fact that it's an auto, but a parts car, money, and some time can fix that.

I wanted a hard top to do track events and get into road racing. But the convertible is a nice dd, and I'm going to really love it this summer.

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Sorry for bringing back an old topic, but it's well worth it... to me at least. After a serious talk with my parents we've decided it would be financially stupid to get rid of the car since we will never see what we put into it. When it comes back it's under my mom's name and it will be the spare car. :D

I really did feel sad about having to sell it, especially when I'd walk into my room and see my posters or see one driving down the street. When it comes back I'm going to do the EVAP, 3 inch dp and cat (I have a 3 in converter laying around). Fix the seats or continue my never ending search for "R" seats.

I have a perfect manual shifter and clutch/brake assembly for $25 if anyone wants them. It kinda has to stay Auto so my mom can drive it.

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